Easy. Small. Fast. TS, es6, es5. Node, Browser. 100% coverage. Property tests. Fuzz tests. Language tests for a dozen languages and emoji. Easy to share online. Easy to embed.
Readable, useful state machines as one-liner strings.
5,071 tests, run 5,962 times.
- 5,062 specs with 100.0% coverage.
- 9 fuzz tests with 12.4% coverage.
With 3,007 lines, that's about 1.7 tests per line, or 2.0 generated tests per line.
Meet your new state machine library.
Discord community - Documentation - Issue tracker - CI build history
Wouldn't it be nice if your TypeScript and Javascript state machines were simple and readable one-liners?
import { sm } from 'jssm';
const TrafficLight = sm`Red -> Green -> Yellow -> Red;`;
Wouldn't it be great if they were easy to work with?
const log = s => console.log(s);
log( TrafficLight.state() ); // 'Red'
Machine.transition('Green'); // true
log( TrafficLight.state() ); // 'Green'
What if the notation supported action names easily?
const TLWA = sm`Red 'next' -> Green 'next' -> Yellow 'next' -> Red;`; // TLWA = Traffic Light With Actions
log( TLWA.state() ); // 'Red'
TLWA.action('next'); // true
log( TLWA.state() ); // 'Green'
TLWA.action('next'); // true
log( TLWA.state() ); // 'Yellow'
TLWA.action('next'); // true
log( TLWA.state() ); // 'Red'
What if integration with the outside was straightforward?
const MTL = sm`Red 'next' -> Green 'next' -> Yellow 'next' -> Red;` // MTL = More Traffic Lights
.hook('Red', 'Green', () => log('GO GO GO') ) // node will jump the gun when you hit return, though
.hook_entry('Red', () => log('STOP') ); // so put it on one line in node
log( MTL.state() ); // 'Red'
MTL.action('next'); // true, console logs 'GO GO GO'
log( MTL.state() ); // 'Green'
MTL.action('next'); // true
log( MTL.state() ); // 'Yellow'
MTL.action('next'); // true, console logs 'STOP'
log( MTL.state() ); // 'Red'
What if the machine followed JS standards, and distinguished refusals as false
from mistakes as throw
const ATL = sm`Red -> Green -> Yellow -> Red;`; // ATL = Another Traffic Light
log( ATL.state() ); // 'Red' - uses 1st state unless told otherwise
ATL.transition('Yellow'); // false (Yellow isn't allowed from Red)
ATL.transition('Blue'); // throws (Blue isn't a state at all)
What if there were easy convenience notations for lists, and for designating main-path =>
vs available path ->
only-when-forced ~>
const TrafficLightWithOff = sm`
Red => Green => Yellow => Red;
[Red Yellow Green] ~> Off -> Red;
What if that were easy to render visually?
const TrafficLightWithOff = sm`
Red => Green => Yellow => Red;
[Red Yellow Green] ~> Off -> Red;
What if that were easy to render visually, with styling, in PNG, JPEG, or SVG?
const TrafficLightWithOff = sm`
Red => Green => Yellow => Red;
[Red Yellow Green] ~> Off -> Red;
flow: left;
state Red : { background-color: pink; corners: rounded; };
state Yellow : { background-color: lightyellow; corners: rounded; };
state Green : { background-color: lightgreen; corners: rounded; };
state Off : {
background-color : steelblue;
text-color : white;
shape : octagon;
linestyle : dashed;
What if the machine was lighting fast, able to do tens of millions of transitions per second?
- What if the machine and language had extensive 100% test coverage with thousands of cases?
- What if the machine gave extensive Typescript introspection support?
- What if the machine had been around and active since May 2017?
- What if the machine was MIT licensed, end to end?
But, above all else:
What if it was easy?
Meet JSSM: the Javascript State Machine.
State machines can make your code cleaner, safer, and more trustworthy.
And, with the right language, state machines can be easy and fun.
JSSM is a Javascript state machine implementing Finite State Language, with a terse DSL and a simple API. 100% test coverage; typed with Flowtype. MIT licensed.
The NPM package includes pure es6
, a cjs es5
bundle, and .d.ts
typings. The repository includes the original typescript, the bundle, the es6, documentation, tests, tutorials, and so on.
Visualize with jssm-viz, or at the command line with jssm-viz-cli.
Language test cases for Belorussian, English, German, Hebrew, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Emoji. Please help to make sure that your language is well handled!
Specify finite state machines with a brief syntax. Run them; they're fast. Make mistakes; they're strict. Derive charts. Save and load states, and histories. Make machine factories to churn out dozens or thousands of instances. Impress friends and loved ones. Cure corns and callouses.
Red 'Proceed' -> Green 'Proceed' -> Yellow 'Proceed' -> Red;
This will produce the following FSM (graphed with jssm-viz):
You'll build an executable state machine.
As usual, a valid question.
State machines are a method of making your software better able to prevent illegal states. Similar to type systems, SQL constraints, and linters, state machines are a way to teach the software to catch mistakes in ways you define, to help lead to better software.
The major mechanism of a state machine is to define states
, the transitions
between them, and sometimes associated
and other niceties. The minor mechanism of state machines is to attach actions
to the transitions, such that
the state machine can partially run itself.
So, to look at the same traffic light as above, you'll notice some things.
- A sufficiently smart implementation will know that it's okay for
to switch toYellow
, but not toRed
- A sufficiently smart implementation knows there's no such thing as
- A sufficiently smart implementation knows that when in
, to be told toProceed
means to go toYellow
, but when inYellow
, it means to go toRed
Along with other common sense things, a good state machine implementation can help eliminate large classes of error in software. State machines are often applied when the stakes on having things correct are high.
High quality testing. JSSM has 100% coverage, and has partial stochastic test coverage.
Feature parity, especially around the DSL and data control.
Data integrity. JSSM allows a much stricter form of state machine than is common, with a relatively low performance and storage overhead. It also offers an extremely terse domain specific language (though it does not require said DSL) to produce state machines in otherwise comparatively tiny and easily read code.
A state machine in
is defined in one of two ways: through the DSL, or through a datastructure.
So yeah, let's start by getting some terminology out of the way, and then we can go right back to that impenetrable sentence, so that it'll make sense.
Finite state machines have been around forever, are used by everyone, and are hugely important. As a result, the terminology is a mess, is in conflict, and is very poorly chosen, in accordince with everything-is-horrible law.
This section describes the terminology as used by this library. The author has done his best to choose a terminology that matches common use and will be familiar to most. Conflicts are explained in the following section, to keep this simple.
For this quick overview, we'll define six basic concepts:
Finite state machine
sCurrent state
There's other stuff, of course, but these five are enough to wrap your head around finite state machine
This is a trivial traffic light FSM
, with three states, three transitions, and one action:
Red 'Proceed' -> Green 'Proceed' -> Yellow 'Proceed' -> Red;
Let's review its pieces.
finite state machine
s- A
finite state machine
) is a collection ofstate
s, and rules about how you cantransition
between thestate
s. - We tend to refer to a design for a machine as "an
." - In this example, the traffic light's structure is "a traffic light
- A
s always have at least onestate
, and nearly always manystate
s- In this example,
- the
s are Red, Yellow, and Green - Something made from this
will only ever be one of those colors - not, say, Blue
- the
s- Single instances of an
are referred to as amachine
- We might have a thousand instances of the traffic light designed above
- We would say "My intersection has four
of the standard three color lightFSM
- Single instances of an
current state
- A
has acurrent state
, though anFSM
does not- "This specific traffic light is currently Red"
- Traffic lights in general do not have a current color, only specific lights
s do not have a current state, only specificmachine
s- A given
will always have exactly onestate
- never multiple, never none
- A
s nearly always havetransition
s- Transitions govern whether a
may be reached from anotherstate
- This restriction is much of the value of
- This restriction is much of the value of
- In this example,
- the
s are- Green → Yellow
- Yellow → Red
- Red → Green
- a
whosecurrent state
is Green may switch to Yellow, because there is an appropriate transition - a
whosecurrent state
is Green may not switch to Red, or to Green anew, because there is no such transition- A
in Yellow which is told totransition
to Green (which isn't legal) will know to refuse - This makes
s an effective tool for error prevention
- A
- the
- Many
s haveaction
s, which represent events from the outside world. - In this example, there is only one action - Proceed
- The
Proceed is available from all three colors
- The
- At any time we may indicate to this light to go to its next color, without
taking the time to know what it is.
- This allows
s like the light to self-manage. - A
in Yellow which is told to take theaction
Proceed will know on its own to switch itscurrent state
to Red. - This makes
s an effective tool for complexity reduction
- This allows
- Many
Those six ideas in hand - FSM
s, state
s, machine
s, current state
, transition
s, and action
s - and you're ready
to move forwards.
One other quick definition - a DSL
, or domain specific language
, is when someone makes a language and embeds it into
a different language, for the purpose of attacking a specific job. When React
uses a precompiler to embed stuff that
looks like HTML in Javascript, that's a DSL.
This library implements a simple language for defining finite state machine
s inside of strings. For example, this
defines that 'a -> b;'
actually means "create two states, create a transition between them, assign the first as
the initial state", et cetera. That micro-language is the DSL
that we'll be referring to a lot, coming up. This
's parser's original name was jssm-dot
, because it's a descendant-in-spirit of an older flowcharting language
DOT, from graphviz, which is also used to make the
visualizations in jssm-viz by way of viz-js.
Enough history lesson. On with the tooling.
So let's put together a trivial four-state traffic light: the three colors, plus Off. This will give us an opportunity to go over the basic facilities in the language.
At any time, you can take the code and put it into the graph explorer for an opportunity to mess with the code as you see fit.
Our light will start in the Off state
, with the ability to switch to the Red state
Since that's a normal, not-notable thing, we'll just make it a regular -> legal transition
Off -> Red;
We will give that transition
an action
, and call it TurnOn.
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red;
So far, our machine is simple:
The main path of a traffic light is cycling from Green to Yellow, then to Red, then back again. Because
this is the main path, we'll mark these steps => main transition
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red => Green => Yellow => Red;
We will give those all the same action name, Proceed, indicating "next color" without needing to know what we're currently on.
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red 'Proceed' => Green 'Proceed' => Yellow 'Proceed' => Red;
Machine's still pretty simple:
We'd also like to be able to turn this light back off. Because that's expected to be a rarity, we'll require that it
be a ~> forced transition
We could write
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red 'Proceed' => Green 'Proceed' => Yellow 'Proceed' => Red;
Red ~> Off;
Yellow ~> Off;
Green ~> Off;
But that takes a lot of space even with this short list, so, instead we'll use the array notation
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red 'Proceed' => Green 'Proceed' => Yellow 'Proceed' => Red;
[Red Yellow Green] ~> Off;
And we'd like those all to have the action TurnOff, so
Off 'TurnOn' -> Red 'Proceed' => Green 'Proceed' => Yellow 'Proceed' => Red;
[Red Yellow Green] 'TurnOff' ~> Off;
Machine's still not too bad:
That's actually the bulk of the language. There are other little add-ons here and there, but, primarily you now know how to write a state machine.
Let's load it and use it! 😀
Let's make a state machine
for ATMs. In the process, we will use a lot of core concepts of finite state machine
and of fsl
, this library's DSL
We're going to improve on this NCSU ATM diagram that I found:
Remember, at any time, you can take the code and put it into the graph explorer for an opportunity to mess with the code as you see fit.
We'll start with an empty machine.
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting;
We'll add the ability to physically eject the user's card and reset to the empty and waiting state. Right now it'll dangle around un-used at the top, but later it'll become useful.
This is expressed as the path EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
We'll add the ability to physically insert a card, next. You know, the, uh, thing ATMs are pretty much for.
To get this, add the path leg EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Notice that the new state
, HasCardNoAuth, has been rendered red. This is because it is terminal
- there is
no exit from this node currently. (EmptyAndWaiting did not render that way because it had a transition to itself.)
That will change as we go back to adding more nodes. terminal node
s are usually either mistakes or the last single
of a given FSM
Next, we should have a cancel, because the ATM's 7 key is broken, and we need our card back. Cancel will exit to the main menu, and return our card credential.
To that end, we add the path HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Next, let's give the ability to get the password ... wrong. 😂 Because we all know that one ATM that only has the wrong-PIN path, so, apparently that's a product to someone.
When they get the PIN wrong, they're prompted to try again (or to cancel.)
We'll add the path HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Next, let's give the ability to get the password right.
We'll add two paths. The first gets the password right: HasCardNoAuth 'RightPIN' -> MainMenu;
The second, from our new state
MainMenu, gives people the ability to leave: MainMenu 'ExitReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'RightPIN' -> MainMenu;
MainMenu 'ExitReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Hooray, now we're getting somewhere.
Let's add the ability to check your balance. First pick that from the main menu, then pick which account to see the balance of, then you're shown a screen with the information you requested; then go back to the main menu.
That's MainMenu 'CheckBalance' -> PickAccount -> DisplayBalance -> MainMenu;
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'RightPIN' -> MainMenu;
MainMenu 'ExitReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
MainMenu 'CheckBalance' -> PickAccount -> DisplayBalance -> MainMenu;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Let's add something difficult. Their state machine just proceeds assuming everything is okay.
To desposit money:
- Accept physical money
- If accept failed (eg door jammed,) reject physical object, go to main menu
- If accept succeeded, ask human expected value
- Pick an account this should go into
- Contact bank. Request to credit for theoretical physical money.
- Three results: yes, no, offer-after-audit.
- If no, reject physical object, go to main menu.
- If yes, consume physical object, tell user consumed, go to main menu
- If offer-after-audit, ask human what to do
- if human-yes, consume physical object, tell user consumed, go to main menu
- if human-no, reject physical object, go to main menu
Writing this out in code is not only generally longer than the text form, but also error prone and hard to maintain.
... or there's the FSM
, which is usually as-brief-as the text, and frequently both briefer and more explicit.
- Rules 1-2:
MainMenu 'AcceptDeposit' -> TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptFail' -> RejectPhysicalMoney -> MainMenu;
- Rules 3-6:
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptSucceed' -> PickDepositAccount -> RequestValue 'TellBank' -> BankResponse;
- Rule 7:
BankResponse 'BankNo' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
- Rule 8:
BankResponse 'BankYes' -> ConsumeMoney -> NotifyConsumed -> MainMenu;
- Rules 9-10:
BankResponse 'BankAudit' -> BankAuditOffer 'HumanAcceptAudit' -> ConsumeMoney;
- Rule 11:
BankAuditOffer 'HumanRejectAudit' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
Or, as a block,
MainMenu 'AcceptDeposit' -> TentativeAcceptMoney;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptFail' -> RejectPhysicalMoney -> MainMenu;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptSucceed' -> PickDepositAccount -> RequestValue 'TellBank' -> BankResponse;
BankResponse 'BankNo' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
BankResponse 'BankYes' -> ConsumeMoney -> NotifyConsumed -> MainMenu;
BankResponse 'BankAudit' -> BankAuditOffer 'HumanAcceptAudit' -> ConsumeMoney;
BankAuditOffer 'HumanRejectAudit' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
Which leaves us with the total code
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'RightPIN' -> MainMenu;
MainMenu 'AcceptDeposit' -> TentativeAcceptMoney;
MainMenu 'ExitReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
MainMenu 'CheckBalance' -> PickCheckBalanceAccount -> DisplayBalance -> MainMenu;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptFail' -> RejectPhysicalMoney -> MainMenu;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptSucceed' -> PickDepositAccount -> RequestValue 'TellBank' -> BankResponse;
BankResponse 'BankNo' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
BankResponse 'BankYes' -> ConsumeMoney -> NotifyConsumed -> MainMenu;
BankResponse 'BankAudit' -> BankAuditOffer 'HumanAcceptAudit' -> ConsumeMoney;
BankAuditOffer 'HumanRejectAudit' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
Let's also be able to take money from the machine. After this, we'll move on, since our example is pretty squarely made by now.
- Pick a withdrawl account, or cancel to the main menu
- Shown a balance, pick a withdrawl amount, or cancel to acct picker
- Is the withdrawl account too high? If so go to 2
- Does the machine actually have the money? If not go to 2
- Otherwise confirm intent w/ human
- Attempt to post the transaction.
- If fail, display reason and go to 1
- If succeed, dispense money and go to main menu
- Rules 1-3:
MainMenu -> PickWithdrawlAccount -> PickAmount -> AcctHasMoney? 'TooHighForAcct' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
- Rule 4:
AcctHasMoney? -> MachineHasMoney? 'MachineLowOnCash' -> PickAmount;
- Rule 5:
MachineHasMoney? -> ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'MakeChanges' -> PickWithdrawlAmount;
- Rule 6:
ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'PostWithdrawl' -> BankWithdrawlResponse;
- Rule 7:
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlFailure' -> WithdrawlFailureExplanation -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
- Rule 8:
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlSuccess' -> DispenseMoney -> MainMenu;
Rule 1 canceller: PickWithdrawlAccount 'CancelWithdrawl' -> MainMenu;
Rule 2 canceller: PickWithdrawlAmount 'SwitchAccounts' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
Or as a whole, we're adding
MainMenu -> PickWithdrawlAccount -> PickAmount -> AcctHasMoney? 'TooHighForAcct' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
AcctHasMoney? -> MachineHasMoney? 'MachineLowOnCash' -> PickAmount;
MachineHasMoney? -> ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'MakeChanges' -> PickWithdrawlAmount;
ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'PostWithdrawl' -> BankWithdrawlResponse;
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlFailure' -> WithdrawlFailureExplanation -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlSuccess' -> DispenseMoney -> MainMenu;
PickWithdrawlAccount 'CancelWithdrawl' -> MainMenu;
PickWithdrawlAmount 'SwitchAccounts' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
Which leaves us with
EmptyWaiting 'Wait' -> EmptyWaiting 'InsertCard' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'CancelAuthReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
HasCardNoAuth 'WrongPIN' -> HasCardNoAuth;
HasCardNoAuth 'RightPIN' -> MainMenu;
MainMenu 'AcceptDeposit' -> TentativeAcceptMoney;
MainMenu 'ExitReturnCard' -> EjectCardAndReset;
MainMenu 'CheckBalance' -> PickCheckBalanceAccount -> DisplayBalance -> MainMenu;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptFail' -> RejectPhysicalMoney -> MainMenu;
TentativeAcceptMoney 'AcceptSucceed' -> PickDepositAccount -> RequestValue 'TellBank' -> BankResponse;
BankResponse 'BankNo' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
BankResponse 'BankYes' -> ConsumeMoney -> NotifyConsumed -> MainMenu;
BankResponse 'BankAudit' -> BankAuditOffer 'HumanAcceptAudit' -> ConsumeMoney;
BankAuditOffer 'HumanRejectAudit' -> RejectPhysicalMoney;
MainMenu -> PickWithdrawlAccount -> PickAmount -> AcctHasMoney? 'TooHighForAcct' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
AcctHasMoney? -> MachineHasMoney? 'MachineLowOnCash' -> PickAmount;
MachineHasMoney? -> ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'MakeChanges' -> PickWithdrawlAmount;
ConfirmWithdrawWithHuman 'PostWithdrawl' -> BankWithdrawlResponse;
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlFailure' -> WithdrawlFailureExplanation -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
BankWithdrawlResponse 'WithdrawlSuccess' -> DispenseMoney -> MainMenu;
PickWithdrawlAccount 'CancelWithdrawl' -> MainMenu;
PickWithdrawlAmount 'SwitchAccounts' -> PickWithdrawlAccount;
EjectCardAndReset -> EmptyWaiting;
As you can see, building up even very complex state machines is actually relatively straightforward, in a short amount of time.
It's really quite simple.
- Make a github repository.
- Put your code in a file inside, with the extension
- Make sure your code contains a
Once done, your work should show up here.
There are a lot of state machine impls for JS, many quite a bit more mature than this one. Here are some options:
- Finity 😮
- Stately.js
- machina.js
- Pastafarian
- Henderson
- fsm-as-promised
- state-machine
- mood
- FSM Workbench
- SimpleStateMachine
- shime/micro-machine
- soveran/micromachine (ruby)
- fabiospampinato/FSM
- HQarroum/FSM
- Finite-State-Automata
- finite-state-machine
- nfm
And some similar stuff:
- redux-machine
- ember-fsm
- State machine cat
- Workty 😮
- sam-simpler
- event_chain
- Yakindu Statechart Tools
- GraphViz
- Viz.js, which we use
JSSM and FSL have had a lot of help.
- Mykhaylo Les provided three translation test cases (Ukrainian, Belarussian, and Russian,) and the corresponding Traffic Light translations (also Ukrainian, Belarussian, and Russian.)
- Tanvir Islam provided the Bengali test case, translated the Traffic Light to Bengali, and published the first non-English
machine, in Bengali. - Francisco Junior provided the Portuguese test case and translated the Traffic Light to Portuguese
- Jeff Katz provided the German test case.
- Alex Cresswell provdied the Spanish test case
- Dvir Cohen provided the Hebrew test case.
- David de la Peña provided the French test case
If I've overlooked you, please let me know.
If you'd like to help, it's straightforward.
- Easy mode: open a PR with this file translated into your language
- Extra mile: create a new repo containing this file translated
Vat Raghavan has participated extensively in language discussion and implemented several features.
Forest Belton has provided guidance, bugfixes, parser and language commentary.
Jordan Harbrand suggested two interesting features and provided strong feedback on the initial tutorial draft.
The biggest thanks must go to Michael Morgan, who has debated significant sections of
the notation, invented several concepts and operators, helped with the parser, with system nomenclature, for having published
the first not-by-me FSL
machine, for encouragement, and generally just for having been as interested as he has been.