The app is deployed on the
server. There are two
- the development version:
- the production version:
- fix login layer; seems difficult so get help from curso-R or thinkR team
- fix logistic regressions and roc curve analysis:
- (optional) add computations of probabilities from odds to user output for ease of interpretability of results
- (mandatory) fix whenever data sets are taken from a bunch of different years or the regressors are badly specified which will make roc curve analysis fail; currently, the app closes but the expected behavior is to show a message to the user that the analysis cannot be performed
- translation between english and norsk; use the google cloud version from Appsilon
- Questions for Vegard:
- why do we use this app and what for exactly?
- costs
The shiny app TaskSVVdcDB provides analysis for SVV data on their employes and their digital competence.
You can install the development version of TaskSVVdcDB from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")