This includes resources and other aids used in this task. Also add them in the google sheet if you will (It also has the Sensors - Cost and Accuracy sheet):
- List of some LiDARs
- Comparing LiDARs
- Not related to our project: Luminar LiDARs: A startup bought by Volvo. Inexpensive LIDARs (from $500). Too bad they're coming up in 2022.
Using Plugins For Sensors/Controller - Gazebosim
Steps to ROSify custom build robots - ROS Answers
Connecting robot with ros using gazebo plugins - Gazebosim
A Research Paper on Collision detection and obstacle avoidance - pdf
Motion control algorithms for sensor equipped robots - pdf
Lane keeping in autonomous driving with Model Predictive Control & PID - Article
Curvature of lane and offset from centre of lane - Github
Some thesis that we're following
- Fixed errors in all three world files, collision bugs, xml syntax bugs etc
- Assembeled virat from meshes
- Added cameras(x2) and a Differential drive
- Added teleop package
- Added lidar
- Added slam package for mapping surroundings
Choosing the relevant files from the resources given.
Spawning a "dry model" of the bot without any sensors, plugins or such.
Choosing the right sensors and plugins for the bot.
Setting up object and lane detection models and integrating them with ROS.
Setting up the navigation stack for the bot - the path-planners and localisation techniques.
or makinga controller. -
Going through the IGVC guide.
- added wheels and started the assembly
- created the xacro and gazebo files for better handling of files.
- added cameras
- created urdf file without sensors for dry sim
- added laser sensor
- created basic launch files for worlds, tweaked the a little to avoid the error
- add bot model to launch file
- teleop package complete
- make slam package
- MPC controller for differential drive
- Added fake node for controller diagnostics
- Path visualizer for controller in Rviz
- CMake workspace for controller diagnostics