Release Notes:
- Added argparse cli arguments
- Added argument for auto closing cmd prompt
- Added log path to console if errors occur
- Time elapsed for operations
- Added logging handler
usage: data_preserve.exe [-h] [-s] [-l] [-b] [-v] [-a [AUTO_CLOSE]] [-c] [-r]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --save Save data preserve
-l, --load Load data preserve
-b, --bypass-prompt Bypass yes/no prompt for loading
-v, --verify Verify data preserve
-a [AUTO_CLOSE], --auto-close [AUTO_CLOSE]
Auto close cmd prompt
-c, --copy-to-local-dir
Copies data preserve to utility root dir
-r, --copy-to-remote-dir
Copies data preserve from utility root dir to remote