The GitHub traffic graph offers insights into visitor history, but it's limited to just the past 14 days. To overcome this limitation, we have built a simple web app that allows long-term tracking of GitHub repository traffic. This application is designed to automatically retrieve traffic data from your GitHub repository and append the latest records to those previously saved on a local server.
- Long-Term Traffic Data Tracking: Keep a comprehensive history of your repository's traffic.
- Automatic Data Retrieval: The app automatically fetches and updates your traffic data (e.g. set cron job to restart the app daily).
- Simple Deployment: Built using Flask, this application can be easily deployed on your own web server.
To deploy this web application for your own use, you only need to make a few simple modifications in the
- GitHub ID: Replace with your own GitHub username.
- Repository Name: Specify the repository you wish to track.
- Personal Access Token: Enter your GitHub personal access token to authorize data retrieval.
To see a demo, visit the following deployment: