本项目使用springdoc 2.1,运行BackendApplication.java后,访问http://localhost:8443/swagger-ui/index.html#/ 查看自动生成的api文档。
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Home -> Click search dormitory module
-> find specific area till dormitory -> do operation on dormitory
If an object has a null integer attribute, when a query trying to select such object, JPA will raise a null pointer exception.
JPA may apply Integer.parseInt() on returned attribute, but such method does not allow a null input.
Input check: do not set a null value on int attribute.
If trying to directly save an object (entity) from front-end into a table when the object has a reference attribute (foreign key), the error may be raised.
The reference attribute is not the same as the one in database - at least the id is likely different or lost. Thus, system will assume that is a "new" attribute, and when saving an object with a "new" reference attribute not in database, the error will be triggered.
Always retrieve the reference attribute (entity) from database by the information given by front-end, then re-assemble the object before saving it.
At src/main/resources/subject.sql,