Epitech Project, Defender
For Start Game : ./defender (need make re) Make re ./defender
- The window can be closed using events.
- The game manages the input from the mouse click and keyboard.
- The game contains animated sprites rendered thanks to sprite sheets.
- Animations in your program are frame rate independent.
- Animations and movements in your program are timed by clocks.
- A starting menu with at least two buttons, one to launch a game, and one to quit the game.
- An escape key to pause the game when launched.
- A menu when the game is paused with at least three buttons, one to resume the game, one to go to the starting menu and the one to leave the game.
- At least 4 different types of buildings (e.g. walls, slowing towers, damaging towers, etc. . .).
- A building menu showing the different available buildings and their price.
- At least 2 different sound effects, and one looping background music.
- A windows that sticks between 800x600 pixels and 1920x1080 pixels.
- A “How To play” menu, explaining how to play your game.
- A stored scoreboard.
- A scoreboard displayed at the end of a game, or thanks to a scoreboard button in the starting menu.
- Buttons with at least three visual states: idle, hover, and clicked.
- A way to skip eventual cut scenes or an animated intro.
- Different types of enemies with different speed and hit points.
- Let the user upgrade its buildings.
- Load buildings from files.
- Take buildings files as command line argument.
- Take buildings files from a menu inside the game.
- Have a skill tree, unlock different types of buildings.
- Have a “settings” menu that contains sound options and/or screen size options.