Estou traduzindo para melhorar o inglês! E ajudar quem esta começando! É uma versão minha. A tradução pode não estar perfeita. Sinta-se livre para apontar problemas :)
Você já quis construir algo, mas não tinha ideia do que fazer?
As vezes autores(escritores) tem bloqueios. Isto também é valido para desenvolvedores. Esta lista pretende resolver este problema de uma vez por todas! 👍
Esses aplicativos são:
- ótimos para melhorar suas habilidades de codificação: músculo :;
- ótimos para experimentar novas tecnologias 🆕;
- ótimos para adicionar ao seu portfólio e impressionar seu próximo empregador / cliente: file_folder :;
- ótimos para usar como exemplos em tutoriais (artigos ou vídeos): page_with_curl :;
- fáceis de completar e também são facilmente extensíveis com novos recursos: ok_hand :;
Não é apenas uma lista simples de projetos, mas uma coleção que descreve cada projeto em detalhes. Para que você consiga densenvolve-los a partir do zero!
Cada projeto tem os seguintes ** recursos **:
Um objetivo claro e bem descrito; 2.Uma lista de User Stories (requisitos) que deve ser implementada (essas requisitos funcionam mais como uma diretriz do que uma lista forçada de(coisas obrigatórias) of To-Do's. Sinta-se à vontade para adicionar suas próprias ideias, se desejar);
Uma lista de recursos como bônus que não apenas melhoram o projeto básico, mas também suas habilidades e ao mesmo tempo (são opcionais e devem ser tentados somente após você ter concluído os requisitos de usuário necessários)
Todos possuem recursos e links para ajudá-lo a encontrar o que você precisa para concluir o projeto
Aqui você pode assistir um vídeo sobre este repositório.
Os projetos são divididos em três níveis com base no conhecimento e na experiência necessária para concluí-los.
Tier | Developer Profile |
1 | Developers in the early stages of their learning journey. Those who are typically focused on creating user-facing applications. |
2 | Developers at an intermediate stage of learning and experience. They are comfortable in UI/UX, using development tools, and building apps that use API services. |
3 | Developers who have all of the above, and are learning more advanced techniques like implementing backend applications and database services. |
🌟 - New Project
Name | Short Description | Tier |
Bin2Dec | Binary-to-Decimal number converter | 1-Beginner |
Border Radius Previewer | Preview how CSS3 border-radius values affect an element | 1-Beginner |
Calculator | Calculator | 1-Beginner |
Christmas Lights | Simulate a string of Christmas lights | 1-Beginner |
Cause Effect App | Click list item to display item details | 1-Beginner |
Color Cycle | Cycle a color value through incremental changes | 1-Beginner |
Countdown Timer | Event Countdown timer | 1-Beginner |
CSV2JSON App | CSV to JSON converter | 1-Beginner |
Dollars to Cents | Convert dollars to cents | 1-Beginner |
Dynamic CSS Variables | Dynamically change CSS variable settings | 1-Beginner |
First DB App | Your first Database app! | 1-Beginner |
Flip Image | Change the orientation of images across two axes | 1-Beginner |
GitHub Status | Display Current GitHub Status | 1-Beginner |
Hello | User native language greeting | 1-Beginner |
IOT Mailbox Simulator | Use callbacks to check your snail mail | 1-Beginner |
JS Input Validation | Script to validate inputs entered by a user using RegEx | 1-Beginner |
JSON2CSV App | JSON to CSV converter | 1-Beginner |
Key Value | Keyboard Event Values | 1-Beginner |
Lorem Ipsum Generator | Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text | 1-Beginner |
Notes App | Create an online note pad | 1-Beginner |
Pearson Regression | Calculate the correlation coefficient for two sets of data | 1-Beginner |
Pomodoro Clock | Task timer to aid personal productivity | 1-Beginner |
Product Landing Page | Showcase product details for possible buyers | 1-Beginner |
Quiz App | Test your knowledge by answering questions | 1-Beginner |
Recipe App | Recipe | 1-Beginner |
Random Meal Generator | Generate random meals | 1-Beginner |
Random Number Generator | Generate random number between range. | 1-Beginner |
Roman to Decimal Converter | Convert Roman to Decimal numbers | 1-Beginner |
Slider Design | Display images using a slider control | 1-Beginner |
Stopwatch App | Count time spent on activities | 1-Beginner |
TrueOrFalse | Identify the result of a conditional comparison | 1-Beginner |
Vigenere Cipher | Encrypt text using the Vigenere Cypher | 1-Beginner |
Wind Chill | Calculate the windchill factor from an actual temperature | 1-Beginner |
Word Frequency | Calculate word frequency in a block of text | 1-Beginner |
Weather App | Get the temperature, weather condition of a city. | 1-Beginner |
Name | Short Description | Tier |
Bit Masks | Using Bit Masks for Conditions | 2-Intermediate |
Book Finder App | Search for books by multiple criteria | 2-Intermediate |
Calculator CLI | Create a basic calculator cli. | 2-Intermediate |
Card Memory Game | Memorize and match hidden images | 2-Intermediate |
Charity Finder App | Find a Global Charity to donate to | 2-Intermediate |
Chrome Theme Extension | Build your own chrome theme extention. | 2-Intermediate |
Currency Converter | Convert one currency to another. | 2-Intermediate |
Drawing App | Create digital artwork on the web | 2-Intermediate |
Emoji Translator App | Translate sentences into Emoji | 2-Intermediate |
Flashcards App | Review and test your knowledge through Flash Cards | 2-Intermediate |
Flip Art App | Animate a set of images | 2-Intermediate |
Game Suggestion App | Create polls to decide what games to play | 2-Intermediate |
GitHub Profiles | A GitHub user search App | 2-Intermediate |
HighStriker Game | Highstriker strongman carnival game | 2-Intermediate |
Image Scanner | Image Scanner App | 2-Intermediate |
Markdown Previewer | Preview text formatted in GitHub flavored markdown | 2-Intermediate |
Markdown Table Generator | Convert a table into Markdown-formatted text | 2-Intermediate |
Math Editor | A math editor for students to use | 2-Intermediate |
Meme Generator App | Create custom memes | 2-Intermediate |
Name Generation using RNNs | Generate names using names dataset | 2-Intermediate |
Password Generator | Generate random passwords | 2-Intermediate |
Podcast Directory | Directory of favorite podcasts | 2-Intermediate |
QR Code Badge Generator | Encode badge info in a QRcode | 2-Intermediate |
Regular Expression Helper | Test Regular Expressions | 2-Intermediate |
Sales Reciepts App | Record Sales Receipts in a DB | 2-Intermediate |
Simple Online Store | Simple Online Store | 2-Intermediate |
Sports Bracket Generator | Generate a sports bracket diagram | 2-Intermediate |
String Art | An animation of moving, colored strings | 2-Intermediate |
This or That Game | This or That Game | 2-Intermediate |
Timezone Slackbot | Display Team Timezones | 2-Intermediate |
To-Do App | Manage personal to-do tasks | 2-Intermediate |
Typing Practice | Typing Practice | 2-Intermediate |
Voting App | Voting App | 2-Intermediate |
Name | Short Description | Tier |
Battleship Bot | Create a Discord bot that plays Battleship | 3-Advanced |
Battleship Game Engine | Create a callable engine to play the Battleship game | 3-Advanced |
Boole Bots Game | Battling Bots driven by Boolean algebra | 3-Advanced |
Calendar | Create your own Calendar | 3-Advanced |
Calorie Counter | Calorie Counter Nutrition App | 3-Advanced |
Chat App | Real-time chat interface | 3-Advanced |
Contribution Tracker App | Track funds donated to charity | 3-Advanced |
Elevator | Elevator simulator | 3-Advanced |
Fast Food Simulator | Fast Food Restaurant Simulator | 3-Advanced |
Instagram Clone | A clone of Facebook's Instagram app | 3-Advanced |
GitHub Timeline | Generate a timeline of a users GitHub Repos | 3-Advanced |
Kudos Slackbot | Give recognition to a deserving peer | 3-Advanced |
Movie App | Browse, Find Ratings, Check Actors and Find you next movie to watch | 3-Advanced |
MyPodcast Library | Create a library of favorite podcasts | 3-Advanced |
NASA Exoplanet Query | Query NASA's Exoplanet Archive | 3-Advanced |
Shell Game | Animated shell game | 3-Advanced |
Shuffle Deck | Evaluate different algorithms for shuffling a card deck | 3-Advanced |
Slack Archiver | Archive Slack Messages | 3-Advanced |
Spell-It App | A twist on the classic Speak N Spell game | 3-Advanced |
Survey App | Define, conduct, and view a survey | 3-Advanced |
We are planning to add more and more projects to this repository. For this, we need your help! Find out how to contribute below. 👇
We are also planning to create a website where you can easily browse through all of the projects.
Any contributions are highly appreciated. 🙏 You can contribute in two ways:
- create an issue and tell us your idea 💡. Make sure that you use the new idea label in this case;
- fork the project and submit a PR with your new idea. Before doing that, please make sure that you read and follow the Contribution Guide;
You can also add your own examples to the projects after you have completed them. I highly encourage you to do this as it will show others what amazing things were built! 👍
If the information from this repo was useful to you in any way, make sure you give it a star 🌟, this way others can find it and benefit too! Together we can grow and make our community better! 😃
Do you have any suggestions on how we could improve this project overall? Let us know! We'd love to hear your feedback!
- Florin Pop: Twitter - YouTube Channel - website.
- Jim Medlock: Twitter - articles
As a bonus, I created the #100Days100Projects challenge. You can find in there 100 more ideas of smaller projects. Enjoy! 😄