A Haskell Based Generalised Thomson Problem Solver (High Lower Bound)
Currently, this program iteratively spaces 'k' points inside a unit n-ball optimally using an approximated Riesz s-energy method.
This program hopes to use the cartesian product of 2-balls to gain a space advantage and be able to place more points inside the volume. A small modification that I will make soon is to place the points on the (n-1)-sphere.
To view documentation run pdflatex thomson.lhs
To compile for the program run ghc -o thomson thomson.lhs
Currently there is no main
so you may want to just load into GHCi :l thomson
This project was made to explore space-optimal structures for high dimensional communications - if you want more details you can have a look at my blog when the project is live.
I was in the Haskell folder on my computer and I was too lazy to move to the python folder to start this project. I was also rusty in my Haskell and I needed the practise.
I use a Haskell Concealer in vim!