XploitWebView is a advaced webview android application source code to turn your website into a stunning android app
Features :
- pull down to refresh
- splash screen
- support offline and online javascript
- app rating
- external links will open in brower
- light weight apk
- caching for smooth experience
- files and pictures download and upload support
- progress bar and more...
How to Configure to create apk :
- open with android studio
- to change package name make a search of www.xploitwizer.me and replace it with your package name in all files
- in xploit/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml (android:host="xploitwizer.me") replace xploitwizer.me with your website don't put http or https
- in xploit/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi chane your app logo and in /raw change your splash screen image and in /values/strings.xml (XploitWizer</>) change your app name
- in xploit/src/main/java/www/xploitwizer/me/XploitWebView.java (here turn true or flase permission variabel as per your need) and (static String WEB_URL = "https://xploitwizer.me") change it with your url or use files:/// to load files offline.
- change name of directories www/xploitwizer/me as per your package name
- now build a singed apk and its ready to publish on playstore
#Team XploitWizer