The cross-platform port of TweakPNG tool.
For usage instructions, see tweakpng.txt.
Released under GPLv3 license.
Original code by Jason Summers Web site
Please refer to COPYING.txt.
- Split interface windows into separate ui .qml files
- Test the code to be error-free in Qt Creator (for younger folks to contribute)
- Full APNG/MNG/JNG support (including playing animation inside the viewer)
- Compatibility with Qt5
- Test on both Mac and Windows platforms
- Dynamic window icon
- Undo/Redo
- Drag & Drop support of files and chunks (between the tabs?)
- Tabbed interface
- Localization via Qt's .ts i16n framework
- support for stdin pipe (and maybe stdout > ?)
- "What you're about to save is not going to be an image file" confirmation window upon save.