Peaker Analysis Toolbox is a collection of scripts and functions for the analysis of spontaneous and evoked synaptic currents or potentials in Matlab.
v1.1 Bug fixes
v1.0 Initial release
Requires Matlab. Tested on Windows MATLAB version 7.4 (R2007A) and Macintosh MATLAB version 7.9 (R2009b). The code is not compatibile with GNU Octave.
Peaker Analysis Toolbox can only READ the following file formats:
- Axon binary files (.abf, ABF versions 1 and 2) using abfload.m from Harald Hentschke, Forrest Collman and Ulrich Egert
- Igor Binary Files (.ibw) using IBWread.m from Jakub Bialek
- ACQ4 HDF5 binary files (.ma) using readMeta.m from Luke Campagnola (uncompressed format only)
- Tab-delimited text files (.txt)
- Comma-separated values text files (.csv)
Peaker Analysis Toolbox can READ and WRITE the following file formats:
- Axon text files (.atf)
- Igor text files (.itx)
- ephysIO HDF5 (MAT v7.3) binary files (.mat)
DISCLAIMER The matlab files included in this analysis toolbox I have written on-and- off over the years for the purposes of facilitating the analysis of my own (and my lab’s) electrophysiology data, mainly spontaneous and evoked synaptic currents or potentials. As and when I had a specific analysis task I would write a new script or function and attempt to bolt them on to one another to create a modular analysis toolbox. Some of the code is good but some of it is really ugly, and if I were to do it all again (which I am not!), I certainly would have done it differently. That said I still use much of it and am providing it to embrace open access without responsibility for it’s use (or misuse). The toolbox does not have a GUI and is not user friendly (especially if you are not that familiar with Matlab) and it lacks tutorials or a comprehensive manual. That said, I have tried to write extensive help information for each script/function in this toolbox. Researchers I know who have learnt to use this analysis toolbox like it and still use it today. I will attempt to keep up with requests for help and for bug fixes but I do not plan to add much more in the way of functionality.
Dr Andrew Penn, [email protected]. Sussex Neuroscience, School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9QG. United Kingdom.