Tired of receiving HR mails because you always forget (or you are too lazy) to check-in? Then it's your lucky day, just plug in your raspberry pi or whatever and forget that you are subdued to this archaic control system.
A sqlite db is used to keep track of non working days, add them using your favorite client or with the following commands:
# add specific days
ocib:not-working-days:add 2019-07-01,2019-07-02
# add weekends of year
ocib:not-working-days:load 2019
--random (or -r) is optional and defines if there should be a random delay(in seconds) in the checking-in, 10 min is the default amount, which can be overwritten.
# check-in example in crontab
0 8 * * 1-5 docker-compose run php php bin/console ocib:checkin:add -r 600
Returns checking-ins of a given date or interval, if no argument is provided current date is used.
# examples
ocib:checkin:get 2019-07-01
ocib:checkin:get 2019-07-01 2019-07-10