SFP fibre-optical transciever simple breakout board. Works up to at least 1 Gbit/s.
- differential TX+/TX- RX+/RX- outputs/inputs with SMA connectors
- connector and cage for SFP or SFP+ transciever
- +3V3 power for transciever
- Three status LEDs for TX_FAULT, LOS, and MOD_ABS
- jumpers for SFP rate-select settings.
Spectrum analyzer measurement of tracking-generator output to Tx-board with SFP, short 2 m fiber, and RX-output of receiving board with SFP. Bandwidth up to ca 1.8 GHz.
See also these other similar projects:
- https://github.com/aewallin/SFP2SMA_2018.03 single-ended input/output, with op-amp and transformer coupling to SFP
- https://osmocom.org/projects/misc-hardware/wiki/Sfp-experimenter
- https://osmocom.org/projects/misc-hardware/wiki/Sfp-breakout
- Multi-SFP crate https://www.ohwr.org/project/sfp-plus-i2c/wikis/home