🌱 I’m currently learning MERN
👨💻 All of my projects are available at my Portfolio
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, Express Js, MongoDB and Data Structure And Algorithms
📫 How to reach me - do email me on [email protected]
👉 My LinkedIn Profile - Rajat Agrawal
⚡ Fun fact I think, I can write good & clean quality code.
A passionate Full Stack Web Developer, who loves to create slick and attractive websites. Proficient in Web Development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Js + Redux, Next Js, Mongo DB, Express JS, Node Js, Data Structure And Algorithms. Approachable team leader, always keen to take the goal-oriented path to complete the tasks at hand. Looking further to enhance my skills as a Full-Stack Web Developer.