This is the Final Project of the CS50 online course series from Timon Christiansen for the standard Assessment of SE_01.
mkdir finalProjectTC
cd finalProjectTC
git clone
cd CS50-Final-Project
Make sure you have Python3 installed and you use it to run this program.
Furthermore, you have to make sure you have Flask installed. If not you can use pip or your favourite package manager to install it.
pip install flask
or in case you use pip3
pip3 install flask
The following Packages should be preinstalled but if something is missing make sure these are also ready to use:
- Sqlite3
- Random
- Datetime
- Json
- Urllib3
- Urllib
First you have to set the FLASK_APP environment variable.
Standard Way
For Windows
For Powershell
$env:FLASK_APP = ""
To execute the program run the following
flask run
and in another terminal window in the same root project folder
to start the backend part of the application.