Bob is a free signal-processing and machine learning toolbox originally developed by the Biometrics group at Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland.
The toolbox is written in a mix of Python and C++ and is designed to be both efficient and reduce development time. It is composed of a reasonably large number of packages that implement tools for image, audio & video processing, machine learning and pattern recognition.
Follow our installation instructions. Then, using the Python interpreter provided by the distribution, build this package with:
$ buildout
In the next subsections we have instructions for the maintainers of the package.
To add a package on bob, just append the package name in the file
Before adding a package to this prototype, please ensure that the package:
- contains a README clearly indicating how to install the package (including external dependencies required). Also, please add package badges for the build status and coverage as shown in other packages.
- Has unit tests.
- Is integrated with Gitlab-CI and correctly tests on that platform (i.e. it builds, it tests fine and a documentation can be constructed and tested w/o errors)
If you don't know how to do this, ask for information on the bob-devel mailing list.
If you want to update the version of the dependency packages, run the following commands:
$ ./bin/python ./bob/script/ > requirements.txt $ git commit requirements.txt -m "Update requeriments" && git push
To remove a package on bob, just remove the package name in the file ('requirements.txt').