Hi! This is my Flutter 'Pocket Pro' app!
App screen recording link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rT9jEPl2kX9Vg8JE9Ul2USQ2hMM0_M2N/view?usp=sharing
Summary: This is my first attempt at a Flutter app, that I have taught myself in my free time. The basic idea behind it is allowing for professionals of all fields to connect with students. This has Firebase authentication setup so users can login and logout and Firestore to allow the store of messages sent between users. There is the capability of messaging between users setup as shown in this screenshot:
Achievements: Given this was my first ever attempt at a Flutter project, I am extremely proud of how it looks and functions.
Improvements: Due to not knowing the language, the code is not very reusable and it could do with some refactoring. Sizing is also something that needs to be accounted for, currently there are too many hardcoded sizes and it needs to be dynamic to account for all device types. The app is not complete yet, and although the functionality is in the app to allow for two users to message each other, there is no way to instantiate the conversation currently in the app, only through the Firebase console. This is a screenshot of a message history made in the Firebase console between two users: