A little rest server to use radio-controlled sockets with wiringPi in a Raspberry PI.
This program provides a HTTP server to call radio-controlled sockets. This program use the funksteckdose crate which use the wiringpi crate. You have to install wiringPi library on your system.
Please check here. Maybe wiringPi is pre-installed.
At the moment a used library needs the nightly rust compiler.
rustup override set nightly
Several downloads can be found on the release page.
Starts the server on port 12345 bind to IP (default):
./funksteckdosen-rest-rs --port 12345
Starts the server on port 12345 without any IP binding:
./funksteckdosen-rest-rs --port 12345 --bind
11100 is the system code
3 is the unit code
0 is the command (off)
change path in funksteckdosen_rest_rs.service
cp file to systemd
sudo cp funksteckdosen_rest_rs.service /lib/systemd/system/
- commands
# start
sudo systemctl start funksteckdosen-rest-rs.service
# stop
sudo systemctl stop funksteckdosen-rest-rs.service
# show status
sudo systemctl status funksteckdosen-rest-rs.service
- activate after reboot
sudo systemctl enable funksteckdosen-rest-rs.service
- deactivate after reboot
sudo systemctl disable funksteckdosen-rest-rs.service
I control the sockets with my Home Assistant instance. For this I use the rest comand.
# configuration.yaml
# automations.yaml
# light_living_room is a input_button from helpers
- id: 'socket_2_auto'
alias: Light Living Room
description: Red Lamp
- platform: state
- input_button.light_living_room
condition: []
- service: rest_command.socket_2
data: {}
mode: single