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Reverse Engineering: From HTML to Database v0.4alpha

Did you lost your site with no Backup? Try Google Cache Site Recover to save your entire site in pure HTML files, than use this tool here to convert back to database.

This is a work-in-progress way to recursively parse all HTMLs in a folder and save structured data on a database. Since each HTML is unique, is very likely that you will need make chances to make it work with your HTMLs files and also with how you would like to store on your database.

How to install

git clone .
npm install

Minimum configuration (required)

Copy config.dist.js to config.js and change the html root folder and how to access your database

If you will use MySQL to store your data, import to one database the file database.sql

How to customize HTML parser (required)

By default, it will try use htmltodata.dist.js, file that was used to import HTML saved from a Joomla CMS site with K2 extension. Since this is very specific, you should provably copy htmltodata.dist.js to htmltodata.js, and make your changes, for your own HTML content.

Custom mapping (i.g. category alias to category id)

See folder adicional_info. If your HTML is very similar to what was used on this default HTML parser, you can change the JSON files to map categories to your own category IDs.

In same logic, you can do around the same for another mappings. Maybe user who created the HTML.

How to customize database save method (optimal)

You can change the way this tool save your data, and even make it work with another database, like PostgreSQL or some No-SQL like MongoDB. Just copy datatodb.dist.js to datatodb.js and make your changes.

How to move scrapped data from temporary table to my real database?

This tool was created for parse HTML files and import to one typical Joomla CMS content table.

After import data to temporaty table (see database/database.sql), you could use the next code to extract data from temporaty table and save on your real site (in this case, a Joomla CMS Content table)

REPLACE INTO db_joomla.prefix_content (id, title, alias, catid, introtext, `fulltext`, metakey, metadesc, created_by, created_by_alias, created, `language`, access, state)
SELECT id, title, slug, catid, IF(text_intro IS NULL OR text_intro = '', `text`, text_intro), IF(text_intro IS NULL OR text_intro = '', text_intro, `text`), meta_keywords, meta_description, created_by, author_raw, created_at, '*', '1', '1'
FROM db_htmltodb.articles

How fast is?

On a Ubuntu i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz, 16GB Mem, HDD, ~20.000 HTML files will be read, parsed, and saved on a MariaDB database in around 5 minutes.

2016-02-09T08:41:57.302Z> INFO : totalTime [Parse and Database save]  5.87min. 3805.83 jobs/min

After this, you will need to SELECT data from temporary table and insert on your target table. With INSERT INTO ... SELECT or REPLACE INTO ... SELECT on this example, the same 20.000 HTML will be around 190MB of data on Database, and will last just a few seconds. (@todo check how much)


Reverse Engineering HTML files back to an Database with Javascript







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