A demonstration of a bit hacky, but simple method for getting per-application display scaling on Linux desktop.
Purpose of this is to better display the user interfaces of older applications, that do not normally scale up to the modern screen resolutions and therefore appear tiny.
It is done by containing the target application windows in a Sway window manager instance virtual display window, with a custom output scale applied.
Running Sway as the host graphical environment is not required. Sway can be launched in a window under X11 and Wayland. This is why I think this solution should work OK in most Linux GUI environments.
This repository is not a library, so just copy and modify these files to suit your needs.
To launch application ddd
at the display output scale multiplied by 1.25
swayscale "1.25" "ddd"
. -
Copy the repository files under the respective locations in your
directory.git clone "https://github.com/andis-sprinkis/swayscale" cd "./swayscale" mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/sway" "$HOME/.local/bin" cp ".local/bin/swayscale" "$HOME/.local/bin/swayscale" cp ".config/sway/custom_scale" "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/sway/custom_scale" chmod +x "$HOME/.local/bin/swayscale"
Ensure that the directory path
is in the$PATH
variable.Add the line to
and re-login:export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"
You may have to update font sans-serif medium
in the exec
line at the bottom of .config/sway/custom_scale
to a font identifier that actually exists on the system (run fc-list
To launch the upscaled application from the application launcher of a Linux desktop environment, a Desktop file can be created in ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/applications/
See the example ddd_upscaled.desktop
Related specifications: "Desktop Entry Specification", "Association between MIME types and applications".