W3bStream is a general framework for connecting data generated by devices and machines in the physical world to the blockchain world. In a nutshell, W3bStream uses the IoTeX blockchain to orchestrate a decentralized network of gateways (i.e., W3bStream nodes) that streams [encrypted] data from IoT devices and machines and generates proofs of real-world facts to different blockchains.
export WS_WORKING_DIR=$PWD/build_image
docker-compose -p w3bstream -f ./docker-compose.yaml up -d
is the working directory for w3bstream node.
You will run with prebuilt docker image from recent stable versions.
make init_frontend
make update_frontend
make build_image
make run_image
make drop_image
Visit http://localhost:3000 to get started.
The default admin password is iotex.W3B.admin
- OS : macOS(11.0+) / Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16+)
- Docker: to start a postgres
- Httpie: a simple curl command (used to interact with W3bstream node via cli)
- Tinygo: to build wasm code
make run_depends # start postgres and mqtt
make migrate # create or update schema
make run_server
keep the terminal alive, and open a new terminal for the other commands.
Please refer to HOWTO.md for more details.