Lets you stream iTunes music playback from your Mac to your Chromecast
How it works:
- Build or download iTunesCaster.app
- Open iTunes application
- Open iTunesCaster
- Chrome browser will open a new tab that mirrors iTunes track and artist info
- Now you can stream this tab to any connected Chromecast
- Opened tab will react to play, pause button and track selection
- Control volume via the playback controls displayed in the tab
iTunesCaster is split into two parts:
- App connecting iTunes to Chrome (iTunesPoster & iTunesCaster.xcodeproj)
- HTML displaying iTunes information in Chrome (iTunesViewer)
To do / Known issues
- No video playback
- Streaming to Chromecast may be choppy depending on your wifi connection
- Volume controls from iTunes not added yet
iTunesPoster code uses chrome-cli by Petter Rasmussen