A Motorola 68000 computer. It uses a Lattice FPGA to control the CPU and interface with the peripherals. It is designed to be standalone, with a PS/2 port for input and a VGA port for display output.
- Avery Bartnik
- Assembly Programming
- Erik Duxstad
- Schematic
- PCB Layout
- Ordering PCB
- Jack Sweeney
- Schematic
- Assembly Programming
- FPGA Verilog
- Simulation
- Michael Wagner
- Schematic
- PCB Layout
- Ordering Parts
- Design schematic for 68000 computer
- Design and layout the PCB
- Order the PCB and parts
- Wrote Verilog HDL for the FPGA
- Set up a RTL simulator for the whole computer design
- Wrote an assembly program in the simulator that displays text using the serial port
- Solder the parts to the PCB
- Synthesize the verilog and flash to SPI Flash to configure FPGA
- Interface with the board via the serial port
- Run programs on real hardware!
- Enable on-board SRAM
- Configure toolchain to allow for C programming
- Add scheduling interrupt
- Install Linux
- Set up VGA peripheral
- Set up PS/2 peripheral
- Set up SD Card peripheral
- Make MMU on FPGA for Linux