A reinforcement learning package to determine computationally rational strategy of navigating Menu-Hotkey interfaces.
The package is intended to be used as a playground to test HCI models with general Reinforcement learning algorithms. Therefore, the package has been modularised into 4 main classes to quickly experiment with model definitions and user strategies.
Agent: Policy and decision making(Strategy)
- defines Utility(Reward structure)
- Ecology (observation definition)
- Mechanism (Observation model,transition dynamics)
Learner: Learning algorithms
Experiment: Model training/testing and overall structure
Learning Algorithms:
A. Tabular model free methods (Discrete space):
- Q-learning
- N-step TD backup
- Eligibility traces with Q learning
B. Bayesian RL :
- Gaussian Process-SARSA (non-sparse version/computational constraints)
- Episodic GP-SARSA (sparsified dictionary/fast)
Original GP-TD algortithm discussed here: Engel et. Al, 2005, Reinforcement learning with Gaussian processes.
Episodic GP-SARSA for dialogue managers: Gasic et al, Gaussian processes for POMDP-based dialogue manager optimisation
- Epsilon-greedy Exploration
- Softmax
- Covariance based Exploration for Gaussian Process( Active learning)
- Stochastic exploration for Gaussian Process
Sample Environment: A sample continuous maze type environement is provided to test new implemented RL algorithms where the goal is to navigate a maze with obstacles to reach goal position. THe envionment can be used as a testing playground.
To test a new HCI model with the above RL algorithms and policies, we can get started in a few lines of code. Modify the proposed reward structure, transiton model and episode terminal conditon in the Environment Class functions. Then simply import the required policy,learner as below:
env = Environment()
learner = GP_SARSA()
agent = Agent(env,learner)
next_State=env.transition(state, action)
4 sample experiments have been demonstrated in the Experiment directory detailing the above.
Further updates:
- Adding multi kernel support from Gaussian process library Gpy library
- Implementation of Deep-Q with PO-MDP model