Backend Service for Blog-Type Social Media App
BlogSpace is a robust backend service designed to power blog-type social media applications. It provides a scalable and secure infrastructure for managing users and blog posts.
User Management
- Signup: Users can create new accounts.
- Sign-In: Users can authenticate themselves.
- Get All Users: Retrieve a list of all registered users.
Post Management
- Create/Add Blog: Users can create new blog posts.
- Update Blog: Users can update their existing blog posts.
- Delete Blog: Users can delete their blog posts.
- Get All Blogs: Retrieve all blogs from the platform.
- JavaScript: Core language for developing the APIs.
- Node.js: Runtime environment for executing JavaScript on the server-side.
- Express.js: Web framework for building RESTful APIs.
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user and blog data.
- bcrypt.js: Library used to hash user passwords for enhanced security.
- Postman: Tool used for testing the APIs.
- POST /blog/api/user/signUp - Register a new user.
- POST //blog/api/user/signIn - Authenticate a user.
- GET /api/users - Retrieve all users.
- POST /blog/api/addBlog - Create a new blog post.
- PUT /blog/api/updateBlog/:id - Update an existing blog post.
- DELETE /blog/api/delereBlogById/:id - Delete a blog post.
- GET /blog/api/blogs/ - Get all blog posts.
- Password Hashing: User passwords are securely stored using
to hash them before saving to the database.