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Keyphrase Extraction

This repository contains the codes for the keyphrase extraction (KPE) task for patent documents.

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The project was tested with Python 3.8.

Step 1: Install the dependencies in requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Download spaCy models for all supported languages (e.g., English, German) in ISO 639-1 codes.

python -m spacy download en
python -m spacy download de

Quick Start

Package Structure

See kpe/

Challenge: Key Concept Extraction for Patent Documents

Task description

A patent is stored in an XML format. It has 3 text fields: abstract, description and claims corresponding to 3 tags of the same name in the XML file. Each of these tags has an attribute lang indicating the language of the field. Note that not all patients have all 3 fields and the languages of the 3 fields are not necessary the same. If a patient has no abstract, use the first 100 words of the description as abstract.

The goal of this task is to enrich patent documents by extracting 30 key concepts (or keyphrases) from the abstract so that users can later quickly review documents by looking only at the keyphrases.

Solution: TF-IDF

This task belongs to the unsupervised keyphrase extraction (KPE) problem. One of the simplest but effective approach for this problem is to extract keyphrases based on TF-IDF scores.

First, we need to compute the document frequency in our data. Run:

python --input data --output tfidf -n 3 --stopwords  --tags abstract

to extract term up to 3-gram from the input folder data and save the computed document frequency to the output folder tfidf. The script can be configured with option --tags to use all 3 text fields to compute the document frequency. data is a folder containing compressed files .tgz, each file contains patents in .xml format. The document frequency of each language is saved in a separate file in the output folder tfidf. In practice, since there are more data in English than in German, the document frequency is computed using these commands:

python --input data --output tfidf -n 3 --stopwords  --languages en --tags abstract
python --input data --output tfidf -n 3 --stopwords  --languages de

After that, keyphrase extraction is performed by running:

python --input data --model tfidf --output results.csv -n 3 -k 30 --stopwords --tags abstract --redundancy_removal True

The command extracts top 30 keyphrases up to 3-gram and save the output to results.csv. In the same manner, the script can be configured with option --tags to use all 3 text fields to compute the term frequency, but keyphrases are only extracted from the abstract.

Run each script with option -h to learn more about its parameters.

The results are stored in .csv format and can be effectively query using pandas. The demo script for querying keyphrases is Start a python interpreter and run:

from retrieve_keyphrases import keyphrases


to see the extracted keyphrases of a particular document.

Solution: TextRank

TextRank is another unsupervised KPE method based on graphs. Unlike TF-IDF, it does not rely on pre-computed statistics.

TextRank can be run in a very simple way:

python < patent_file.xml

The parameters can be seen and adjusted in the script.

Docker: TF-IDF

Requirements: Docker is installed and the Docker server is running.

Step 1: Build the Docker image

docker build --tag kpe-tfidf -f docker/tfidf/Dockerfile .

Step 2: Mount the local folder containing .xml documents to /data in the docker container and start the docker image

docker run -v /absolute/path/data/in/your/machine:/data -it kpe-tfidf

Step 3: Keyphrase extraction. The prompt will ask for the name of the file you want to extract from:

Input file:

Type a name (e.g. AT508B.xml), press Enter. The program will display a list of ranked keyphrases.

Docker: TextRank

Requirements: Docker is installed and the Docker server is running.

Step 1: Build the Docker image

docker build --tag kpe-textrank -f docker/textrank/Dockerfile .

Step 2: Keyphrase extraction

docker run -i kpe-textrank < patent_file.xml


Note on language support

In theory, the program can process documents in any language as long as there is a spaCy model of that language. The model for a language need to be downloaded before running the scripts. To download models, see step 2 in Installation.

If the script encounter a language but cannot find the corresponding model, it will print out a warning:

Warning: AT508B.xml: no spaCy model for language: de

However, there is no need to stop the script. You can later rerun it only on documents with specific languages defined with option --languages, for example --languages de fr.

Ideas for Improvement

  • TF-IDF is only one of the available unsupervised approaches for KPE, so it is advisable to try and/or combine with other KPE approaches to see which one is more suitable for this type of data.
  • Supervised methods are generally superior to unsupervised methods. Using a combination of labeled and synthetic (from unsupervised approach) data in a semi-supervised self-training approach is shown to improve keyphrase generation over models trained with only labeled data (Ye and Wang, 2018).
  • Parallel or distributed computing (e.g. MapReduce) can reduce the running time.


Package kpe implements the following keyphrase extraction systems:

The codes are reusable and the base model can easily be extended to add different keyphrase extraction methods.



TF-IDF is an unsupervised, statistical-based method for KPE. As its name suggests, it ranks keyphrase candidates based on the TF-IDF scores.


  • language: language of documents, must be set to process documents correctly
  • stemmer: stemmer to extract the stem of a word. If there is no available stemmer for the current language, the stems fall back to the lemmas of words
  • stopwords: type of stopwords used to filter candidates
  • normalization: type of normalization used for a term, either by lowercasing or stemming

Step 1: Compute document frequency

As a statistical-based KPE method, TF-IDF relies on statistics of data, document frequency. An example of how to compute document frequency can be seen in Document frequency can be computed less strict than when using it. For example:

  • The maximum size of n-grams, n can be set to 5 for document frequency computation, and 3 for KPE.
  • Filtering n-gram by stopword can be disabled for document frequency computation (stopwords=False) and enabled for KPE.

Step 2: Keyphrase extraction

An example of how to extract keyphrases using TF-IDF can be seen in


TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) is an unsupervised KPE method based on PageRank.


  • pos: part of speech tags to be selected as a vertex
  • window: size of the co-occurrence window
  • top: use only the top percentage of vertices for KPE

An example of how to extract keyphrases using TF-IDF can be seen in


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