These three processors can be used to capture MQTT streams generated by RTMQTT ( Sensor data is pushed into a flowfile by GetMQTTSensorProcessor while GetMQTTVideoProcessor generates two streams. The first is the actual MJPEG stream, the second is a metadata stream. Normally the sensor and metadata streams would be pushed into Kafka while the video stream would be save to a local file. GetMQTTVideoProcessor generates a timestamp-based filename attribute for use by the PutFile processor. GetMQTTAudioProcessor works in a similar way to GetMQTTVideoProcessor but is intended for a PCM audio over MQTT stream.
This was tested with NiFi 0.4.1. The PutFile processor needs to be patched to support append mode - see this page for a patch: When this is applied, the video will cycle through intervals on a basis that can be configured in GetMQTTVideoProcessor and GetMQTTAudioProcessor (second, minute, hour, day).
Clone the repo:
git clone gitL//
and build using Maven:
cd RTNiFiStreamProcessors
mvn clean install
This will generate a file ./nifi-richardstech-nar/target/nifi-richardstech-nar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.nar. This should be copied into NiFi's lib directory. The processors will then be available for selection.