The repository contains the main results for the fine-mapping of transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) reported in
Probabilistic fine-mapping of transcriptome-wide association studies Nicholas Mancuso, Malika K. Freund, Ruth Johnson, Huwenbo Shi, Gleb Kichaev, Alexander Gusev, Bogdan Pasaniuc. bioRxiv 2018.
contains the gene-based fine-mapping analysis over TWAS associations using prior variance of XX = {40, 80}.
Column | Description |
Trait |
The lipids trait investigated |
Expression.Reference |
Short description of the gene expression reference panel |
Gene |
Canonical gene name |
Chr |
Chromosome |
Tx.Start |
Transcription start site |
Tx.End |
Transcription end site |
Region |
Identifier for a risk region |
Z-score for TWAS test of association |
P-value for TWAS test |
Resid.Z |
Residual Z-score after accounting for average signal at region |
Marginal posterior probability for explaining observed association signal at Region |
In.Cred.Set |
Boolean indicating whether the gene-model is in the 90% credible gene set |
contains the lipids (HDL, LDL, TG, total chol) TWAS association statistics.
Column | Description |
Trait |
The lipids trait investigated |
Expression.Reference |
Short description of the gene expression reference panel |
Gene |
Canonical gene name |
Chr |
Chromosome |
Tx.Start |
Transcription start site |
Tx.End |
Transcription end site |
Expression.h2g |
SNP-hertiability explained by cis-SNPs in reference panel |
SNP ID of the best GWAS SNP in the prediction model (i.e. smallest p-value) |
Best.GWAS.SNP.Z.score |
Z-score of the best GWAS SNP |
Top.eQTL.SNP |
SNP ID of the best cis-eQTL SNP in the reference panel |
Top.eQTL.R2 |
Variance-explained in measured gene expression by best cis-eQTL SNP |
Top.eQTL.Z |
Z-score of the best cis-eQTL SNP |
GWAS Z-score of the best cis-eQTL SNP |
N.SNPs |
Number of SNPs in the model | |
Number of SNPs with non-zero weights in the model | |
Model with the best prediction accuracy |
Model.5CV.R2 |
Adjusted estimate of variance-explained in measured gene expression using 5-fold CV |
Model.5CV.P |
P-value of cross-validation R2 estimate |
Z-score for TWAS test of association |
P-value for TWAS test |
For performing fine-mapping of TWAS associations please see FOCUS.
For performing TWAS using summary-data, computing expression weights using custom expression panels, and additional post-TWAS analyses please see FUSION.
If you have any questions or comments please contact [email protected]