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Simulate non-stationary time series by varying the parameters of otherwise stationary systems


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A Julia package for simulating and analyzing non-stationary dynamical systems, providing tools to model processes with time-varying parameters.

See also NonstationaryProcessesBase.jl

Basic usage

Let's simulate a chaotic system, the Langford/Aizawa attractor, with a time-varying parameter.

using CairoMakie
using DifferentialEquations
using NonstationaryProcesses
import NonstationaryProcesses.DifferentialEquationsExt.aizawaSim
using NonstationaryProcessesBase.TimeseriesTools

tmax = 15000.0
𝛿() = t -> 3.5 .+ 0.75 * sin.(2π * t ./ tmax)

S = aizawaSim(;
    parameter_profile=([constantParameter for _ in 1:3]..., 𝛿),
    parameter_profile_parameters=(0.95, 0.7, 0.6, ()), # (𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾, 𝛿)

    X = Timeseries(S) |> eachcol .|> collect
    f = Figure(size=(1080, 1080), backgroundcolor=:transparent)
    ax = Axis3(f[1, 1]; aspect=(1, 1, 1), azimuth=-π / 10, elevation=π / 5)
    trajectory!(ax, X...;
        linewidth=0.1, colormap=:inferno, alpha=0.25)

An example of a nonstationary time series generated by the Langford system

Parameter profiles

They key functionality beyond DifferentialEquations is a library of parameter profiles, functions that describe the time course of a parameter across time. These include discontinuous profiles represented by a custom Discontinuous type, which track the time points of discontinuities and force solvers to evaluate either side of these points for accuracy. Parameter profiles can also be provided as arbitrary functions of time. Below are some of the pre-defined parameter profiles:

Profile Description
constantParameter Constant parameter profile
heaviside Heaviside step function
sigmoid Sigmoid function
unitStep Constant function that undergoes a step change at a specified threshold
unitBump Step-like "bump" (increase and then decrease) between two thresholds
compositeBump Composite function combining multiple bumps
compositeStep Composition of multiple step changes at specified thresholds
stepNoise Composition of random bumps around a baseline
stepRandomWalk Random walk defined by successive random steps
ramp Linear function between two points values
rampInterval Ramp with saturation before and after the given interval
rampOn Ramp that saturates before the interval and extrapolates after
rampOff Ramp that extrapolates prior to an interval and saturates after
sineWave Sine wave with a specified period, amplitude, and baseline
triangleWave Triangular wave
lorentzian Lorentzian function with specified amplitude, width, center, and baseline

Predefined systems

Alone, this package defines some simple signals (e.g. frequency-modulated waves) and ARMA processes. Loading the DifferentialEquations.jl package will give you access to a library of deterministic flows, chaotic maps, chaotic flows, and stochastic differential equations.

Defining new systems

New systems can be defined by specifying the equations of motion, solver glue code, and simulation parameters. For example, a Process for the Lorenz attractor can be defined as follows. First, we define the equations of motion and their gradients:

function lorenz(dX, X::AbstractArray, p::Function, 𝑡::Real)
    (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = X
    (𝜎, 𝑟, 𝑏) = p(𝑡)
    dX[1] = 𝜎 * (𝑦 - 𝑥)
    dX[2] = -𝑥 * 𝑧 + 𝑟 * 𝑥 - 𝑦
    dX[3] = 𝑥 * 𝑦 - 𝑏 * 𝑧
function lorenz_J(J, X::AbstractArray, p::Function, 𝑡::Real)
    (𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧) = X
    (𝜎, 𝑟, 𝑏) = p(𝑡)
    J .= [-𝜎 𝜎 0.0;
        𝑟-𝑧 -1.0 -𝑥;
        𝑦 𝑥 -𝑏]

Next, we define some glue code that runs the DifferentialEquations solvers:

function lorenz(P::Process)
    prob = odeproblem(P.process, P.X0, (P.transient_t0, P.tmax), tuplef2ftuple(P.parameter_profile, P.parameter_profile_parameters), jac=lorenz_J)
    sol = dsolve(prob, P.alg; dt=P.dt, saveat=P.savedt, P.solver_opts...)

Finally, we create a Process that collects the parameters of the simulation:

lorenzSim = Process(
    X0=[0.0, -0.01, 9.0],
    parameter_profile=(constantParameter, constantParameter, constantParameter),
    parameter_profile_parameters=(10.0, 28.0, 8 / 3), # Sprott's recomendation
    solver_opts=Dict(:adaptive => true, :reltol => 1e-10, :abstol => 1e-10, :maxiters => 1e7))

To collect the time series of this simulation, we use:

NonstationaryProcesses.timeseries(lorenzSim) # A `TimeseriesTools` `AbstractTimeSeries`

Simulation parameters

The Process syntax has some shorthand for specifying the various options for simulating a nonstationary system:

option description
process A Function with a method for Process types that performs a particular simulation
parameter_profile A tuple of Functions that describe how each parameter of a system evolves over time. These can be functions, or curried functions of parameters given in :parameter_profile_parameters
parameter_profile_parameters A tuple of parameters (which may also be tuples) for each :parameter_profile
X0 The initial conditions, given as a vector equal in length to number of variables in the system
t0 The initial time of the simulation, at which the system has the state :X0
transient_t0 The length of time to simulate the system, from the initial conditions :X0 at :t0, that is discarded when retrieving the timeseries
dt The time step of the simulation and solver
savedt The sampling period of the solution's timeseries, which must be a multiple of :dt
tmax The final time point of the simulation. The duration of the simulation is then :tmax - :transient_t0, and the duration of the returned time series is :tmax - :t0. See times
alg The algorithm used to solve DifferentialEquations.jl processes. See e.g. the list of ODE solvers
solver_opts A dictionary of additional options passed to the :alg. This can include solver tolerances, adaptive timesteps, or the maximum number of iterations. See the common solver options
solver_rng An integer seed for the random number generator, set to a random number by default
id A unique integer ID for a given Process
date The date at which the Process was created
solution The solution of the simulation in its native format (e.g. an ODE solution)
varnames Dummy names for the variables of a Process, defaulting to [:x, :y, :z, ...]


Simulate non-stationary time series by varying the parameters of otherwise stationary systems







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