Remake of 1980s classic arcade game: Defender
Install Node.js https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Install Python 3.52 or so (most recent) https://www.python.org/downloads/
Install typings and typescript globally a. Open command prompt i. npm install typings -g ii. npm install typescript -g
Download the Visual Studio Phaser Typescript Template https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/e6eeccc4-3963-4e3d-8181-77d94ae67d9a
Clone git project to a local directory of your choice (From gitbash within the directory of your choice) git clone https://github.com/briveramelo/EAE-RP2-Defender.git
Open the .sln file in Visual Studio and 'Build' the project (this will generate the game.js file necessary to run)
Locate the "index.html" file (in the "build" folder)
Open a command window within this directory. How-to pro-tips: a. Find empty space, hold shift + right click. b. Select "Open command window here"
Start a local web server with the command "py -m http.server" (remember when we installed python? 'py' calls a python command, http.server calls a function called "http.server" to start our local server, and -m ensures we can call the 'module', 'server', from the http script
Type "localhost:8000" (or whatever address your command window says it's opened to) Into the Google Chrome address bar
Open chrome debug tools with Ctrl+Shft+i
Play the game! Test it out! Have Fun!
- testing