Quick EEG is an open-source python package to make processing EEG simpler. It is a wrapper for MNE that streamlines processing pipelines.
Official documentaton and official release of package on pip to come.
Example use case, which can be found in quickeeg/quickeeg_main.py
import os
import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
import numpy as np
from helpers.preprocessing import Preprocessing
from helpers.report import Report
if __name__ == '__main__':
############## Example usage ##############
#Subject information
path = os.path.join('quickeeg','data')
id = 'participant_001'
#Create pipeline
pipeline = ['load_data',
#Processing parameters
target_markers = {'11': [f'{i}' for i in range(11, 20)],
'21': [f'{i}' for i in range(21, 30)],
'31': [f'{i}' for i in range(31, 40)]}
params = {'pipeline': pipeline,
'file_path': os.path.join(path, id),
'find_files_by_marker': 's11',
'reference_channels': 'average',
'bp_filter_cutoffs': [0.1, 50],
'notch_filter_freq': 60,
'ica_components': 20,
'eog_channel': ['1L', '1R'],
'target_markers': target_markers,
'epoching_times': [-.2, .8],
'baseline_times': [-.2, 0]}
#Run the pipeline
preprocessing = Preprocessing(**params)
preprocessing.plot_erp(electrode_index=electrodes, save_plot=True)
#Build the report
reader_note = ' '.join(['This report was produced by the QuickEEG package.'])
custom_text = ['## Note for the reader',
report = Report(preprocessing)