Welcome to RoboFriends, a simple project that allows you to search for robot friends and generate unique robot cards!
RoboFriends is a React-based web application that fetches robot data from a google sheet and allows users to search for specific robots. The application utilizes the Robohash service (https://robohash.org/) to generate unique robot images based on user data.
To get started with the RoboFriends project, follow these steps:
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/chhedadhruv/Robofriends.git
Install dependencies: cd robofriends npm install
Run the application npm start
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.
To add a new robot to the website, please fill out the Google Form. Your submitted robot details will be processed, and a new robot card will be generated.
After adding a robot via the Google Form, a unique robot card will be generated for the submitted details. The card will display the robot's name and email, along with a personalized robot image from Robohash.
- React
- React Bootstrap
- Robohash (https://robohash.org/)