During the quarantine I challenged myself to pick out some designs on Dribbble (or wherever) and then try to implement them in Swift to keep myself busy. I did not set myself any requirements in quality or anything like that. The only thing is that I have to be able to implement it in a day or less (depending on how much time I have). Status will then be pushed to GitHub without further ado. Projects may or may not be developed further later.
- Number 1: Swift: Simple TabBar Onboarding
- Number 2: Swift: Printerest like floating Tab Bar
- Number 3: Swift: Bottom Search Bar
- Number 4: JS: My Portfolio
- Number 5: Swift: Code Verification & Custom Button
- Number 6: Swift: Smarthome Slider (UIControl)
- Number 7: JS: Some more Gatsby 😅
- Number 8: Swift/Adobe: Tried out Lottie for iOS & created my onw little animation in AI/AE
- Number 9: Swift: Custom button with animations (speedtest.net button) ❤️