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Creating a Data Package
The following guide describes how to use the online Data Package Builder, which supports users creating CLARITY-compatible data packages with data necessary to carry out studies in the CSIS.
There are two versions of the online Data Package Builder, one allowing the user to describe a data package in full detail according to the properties defined in the specification and, a simplified version requesting the minimum list of properties necessary for creating a valid and usable data package for the CSIS. This guide focuses on the latter.
Access to the online Data Package Builder here, with two possibilities presented to the user:
create directly the data package from scratch (https://csis.myclimateservice.eu/node/add/data_package/simplifieddatapackage) by providing all necessary information at data package level and then add/create individual resources (datasets) to it or
create the individual resources (https://csis.myclimateservice.eu/node/add/data_package_metadata/simplifieddatapackage) and then go to 1).
Either approach is valid, however in this guide we will be following approach 1) as this is what someone who is new to data packages would be following.
Let’s start!
Note: For the sake of exemplifying the usage of this online form, we will be using the following dataset: Heat wave duration 2011-2040 RCP2.6
After clicking the link https://csis.myclimateservice.eu/node/add/data_package/simplifieddatapackage you should be presented with a form asking for the minimum information describing the data package that is being created.
A short and human-readable title of the data package. * description: A human-readable description of the data package. Note: the description MUST be markdown formatted — this also allows for simple plain text as plain text is itself valid markdown. The first paragraph (up to the first double line break) should be usable as summary information for the package. * keywords: string keywords characterizing the data package, assisting users searching for it in catalogs. Enter multiple keywords by separating them with a comma. While typing you will get suggestions. E.g., heat-wave, naples, population, etc.
The people or organizations who contributed to create this data package. The user can select already predefined contributors or create a new contributor entry in the system.
When creating a new contributor, it MUST have a name, email and role property and MAY have additionally the organization’s name and url.
The license(s) under which the data package (as a whole) is provided. The license(s) described at data package level should be the most restrictive (and compatible) with respect to the license(s) contained in the various resources. This property is not legally binding and does not guarantee the package is licensed under the terms defined in this property.
A list of resources that make part of this data package. A valid data package MUST contain at least one resource.
The user can select already predefined resources (with European coverage that can be used in other data packages) or create a new resource entry in the system and add it to the data package.
In this tutorial, we are going to add a new resource to the data package. E.g., Heat wave duration 2011-2040 RCP2.6
As in the case of the data package, we MUST provide a title and a description for each resource.
In addition, we must provide also the identifier of the dataset in the CKAN (CKAN ID) instance available in CLARITY (e.g., for the https://ckan.myclimateservice.eu/dataset/microclimate-simulation-baseline-tabakfabrik resource in CKAN, this field should be "microclimate-simulation-baseline-tabakfabrik"). If this resource isn’t described in CLARITY CKAN repository yet, please add a description to https://ckan.myclimateservice.eu
Location property for data in files located online. Examples of possible links to the data:
http://ex.datapackages.org/big-csv/my-big.csv, http://demo.geo-solutions.it/geoserver/tiger/ows?service=WFS&version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=tiger:tiger_roads&srsName=EPSG:3857&bbox=40.7,-74,40.8,-73,urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326&maxFeatures=1
sftp://[email protected]/clarityftp/europe/population/population_naples_age_groups_500_LAEA.zip
In our case, the heat wave duration index is served through an OGC WCS: https://clarity.meteogrid.com/geoserver/wcs?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=2.0.1&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGEID=europe:HI_Tx75p-consecutive-max_rcp26_20110101-20401231&FORMAT=geotiff&boundingbox=2145500,982500,6606000,5706500,urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3035
The raw sources for this resource, that is, the list of sources that were used to create this resource.
In this case, the data used to create the hazard index comes from EURO-CORDEX.
Similarly to the contributors in the data package, the list of persons or organizations that contributed to the preparation of this resource.
Similarly to the licenses in the data package, the list licenses that apply to this specific resource. If the resource has no license defined by its creator or it is unknown at this moment, please select "Undefined".
List of "tags" that provides further information about the purpose of this resource and how to be used by the CSIS. This property is MANDATORY and at least one tag MUST be selected. Depending on the type of resource being described a set of tags should be added, typically from the eu-gl, resource-type, hazards and service-type tabs.
In our example, for the heat wave duration index the following tags were indicated:
eu-gl (in which step(s) of the EU-GL methodology is this resource being used): "Hazard Characterization"
resource type: hazard-index
hazards: heat-wave
hazard index: heat-wave-duration
emissions scenario: early-response (rcp 2.6)
service type: ogc:wcs (as seen above, the hazard index data is offered via a OGC WCS)
A part from all the data already provided, it is possible to indicate further references related to this specific resource.
Thus, for instance, in the case of our example resource, data is provided through an OGC WCS service, however, in order for the CSIS to be able to render it is necessary to include a link to the OGC WMS service that offers the data in the form of a map (https://clarity.meteogrid.com/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=europe:HI_Tx75p-consecutive-max_rcp26_20110101-20401231&bbox=2145500,982500,6606000,57065000&width=725&height=768&srs=EPSG:3035&format=image/png)