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This package defines an Apache Airflow workflow to ingest and process data collected by electron microscopy (EM). The goal is to produce a push-button workflow to handle smaller (but still computationally challenging) <10TB-sized datasets produced using high-quality FIB-SEM imaging.


Currently, the workflow aligns a stack of images and writes the scale pyramids for fast, interactive viewing using the web-tool neuroglancer. The major steps are higlighted in the image above. The workflow is designed to work well with Google Composer, which is a managed Airflow service and can be minimally provisioned. The bulk of computation used by the workflow leverages Google Cloud Run, which are stateless containers, where 100s can be spawned in a "serverless" manner.

The documentation below explains how to install and a step-by-step guide for using the service. At the end, there is some discussion on the underlying architecture and design decisions.

Installation and configuration

The easiest way to use this workflow is to deploy to Google Composer (details below). Google Composer is a service that runs Apache Airflow that makes configuration very easy. Furthermore, emprocess_workflow requires access to google cloud storage (potential future work to support other storage solutions) making integration easier if using Composer. However, one can relatively easily install and manage Apache Airflow. Since most of the compute should leverage the Cloud Run containers for alignment and pyramid generation, there is no significant performance advantage for deploying to Composer versus another solution.

For local deployment, install "gcloud" from Google and ensure that the account is configured to a Google project id with billable account information.

To install Airflow and related components

% pip install airflow
% pip install google_cloud_storage httplib2 google_auth_httplib2 google-api-python-client # to enable google drivers

The emprocess workflow calls web applications that perform alignment and writing tasks. The alignment is done using the fiji Docker container that can be hosted on Google Cloud Run (or run locally for testing). See fiji_cloudrun for instructions. Similarly, the writing of aligned EM data and scale pyramids is done by the emwrite container, instructions in this package under emwrite_docker/.

To launch the server on localhost:8080 and scheduler:

% airflow webserver -p 8080
% airflow scheduler

By navigating to localhost:8080, one can see a dashboard with several example DAG workfows. Several variables must be set to enable the emprocessing DAG to be executed.

  • Under Admin->Connections create ALIGN_CLOUD_RUN conn_id pointing to the http server running fiji
  • Under Admin->Connections create IMG_WRITE conn_id pointing to the http server running emwrite
  • Under Admin->Pools create "http_requests" and set to 512 if using Google Cloud Run or the capacity of whatever is serving the alignment and writing web services.
  • Setup email to enable Airflow to send notifications. Modfiy the airflow.cfg "smtp" section by setting smtp_user and smtp_password. For example, to use your gmail address, set smtp_host to "" and set "smtp_password" to the key retrieved using Since this puts the key in a plain text file, it might not be the most secure solution. For information on how to do this on Google Cloud Composer, see
  • Set core.dag_concurrency to 512 to allow 512 tasks to run in parallel for a DAG. Set core.parallelism to 1024 (some large number for concurrency allowed over all DAGs). Set scheduler.max_threads=4 to enable the scheduler to run a little faster. (Composer only) Set celery.worker_concurrency to 24 (or 6 times number of cores per node).

Apache Airflow polls the "dag" directory periodically, updating the workflows available for scheduling. Copy and ./emprocess to the AIRFLOW_DIR/dags/. actually creates several workflows using a different number of worker queues (discussed below). By default, Composer activates any uploaded workflow. For a local instance, the specific DAG must be activated, which can be done through the web UI. The configurations for a given "dag run" is given via command line json arguments described below.

Google Composer deployment

Deploying this application on Google Composer is straightforward if the user already has a google cloud project account. Creating a new environment can be done easily by following the instructions in If using Google, one can use a simple formula of 6 workers possible per core. A configuration of 3 nodes with 4 cores each will enable 24 cores per node 72 concurrent processes. If more is needed, a larger cluster can be created by expanding the GKE cluster.
Once created, the settings should be configured as described above. Composer allows users to interact with the environment using the familiar Airflow web browser. Environment variables can be set through the Composer UI. file and ./emprocess directory can be uploaded to a cloud bucket associated under the Composer DAGs folder.

Airflow in Google Composer can be accessed via a user terminal command line by prepending an airflow command with the following:

% gcloud composer environments run [name of environment] --location [location] [airflow arguments]

Testing local install

After installing locally, one can verify that the workflow parses properly by running

% python

This does not execute the operations but builds the graph and its dependencies. If this fails, Airflow will not be able to create a workflow DAG corresponding to this file.

To test the installation, the following can be run locally without requiring cloud run functions or source data.

Pass the following --conf parameter string to the airflow command line.

	"id": "sample",
	"image": "img%05d.png",
	"minz": 0,
	"maxz": 10,
	"source": "sample_bucket", 
	"project": "flyem-private",
	"email": "someaddress"

To avoid Google Cloud Storage during the test, SET the environment AIRFLOW_TEST_MODE to anything (unset when starting production work).

Instead of launching the fiji and emwrite dockers, use a simple moc, which will start on localhost:9000 and set ALIGN_CLOUD_RUN and IMG_WRITE to point to it.

% python

Once the em_processing workflow is enabled (using the Airflow web interface), a DAG execution run can be performed using the following command-line.

% airflow trigger_dag --run_id refactor1 --conf 'JSON_STRING_ABOVE' emprocessing_width1_sample_0.1

One can monitor progress through the web front-end. Each task instance including its inputs, outputs, and logs can be viewed. Note: the default execution management is done with a sequential scheduler. As such, the example will run very slowly as only one task can run at a time and the scheduler takes several seconds until a new task is picked up. This is not a limitatioin of Airflow in general but rather of this very simple scheduler. It is also not a problem when using Google Composer.

Running a workflow from a local install

To process a stack of EM images, the following needs to be done.

  • load a set of PNG images to a storage bucket in the directory "raw" (GBUCKET/raw/*.png)
  • ensure that AIRFLOW_TEST_MODE is unset
  • make sure that ALIGN_CLOUD_RUN and IMG_WRITE are set to point to the docker containers serving fiji and emwrite applications.
  • create a configuration to be passed in the command line with a name for the workflow ("id"), the image name string format ("image"), the first image slice ("minz"), the last slice ("maxz"), the gbucket source ("source"), the google project id ("project"), email address ("email"), downsampling ("downsample_factor") that should be done before alignment (images larger than 5kx5k might cause a mem out requiring downsampling of 2x or 4x), and whether raw grayscale should be written in neuroglancer format ("rawPyramid"). The configuration below can be used for the iso.* images found in the resources/ folder.
	"id": "slice2", 
	"image": "iso.%05d.png",
	"minz": 3493, 
	"maxz": 3494, 
	"source": "SOME BUCKET",
	"project": "GCP PROJECT ID",
	"mail": "email address",
	"downsample_factor": 4,
	"rawPyramid": false

Note: a version number is appended to the workflow name: em_processing_[id]_[version]. Also, several different workflows are created with different static widths (the width of the DAG cannot be specified at runtime). The example below is choosing something with the lowest currency (width=1). When using Airlfow with the 3 nodes (4 cores each) it is probably best to run with width=64. Much larger pipelines are more cumbersome for the scheduler to handler and are harder to visualize.

To run:

% airflow trigger_dag -r test1 -c 'JSONSTRING ABOVE' emprocess_width1_0.1

The semantics are slightly different when triggering Airflow through Composer on the command line:

% airflow trigger_dag -- emprocess_width64_0.1 --run_id test1 --conf 'JSON STRING' 

Once this workflow finishes, one can view the ingested data using neuroglancer. To do this, the bucket must be publicly readable to be used by neuroglancer for now (choose an obscure gbucket name if security is needed). Go to the google storage page in the Google cloud console and set permissions for allUsers to have viewer access. Once this is done, the bucket must be configured to enable CORs so that neuroglancer can access it. First create the following json file (and call it cors.json).

      "origin": ["*"],
      "responseHeader": ["Content-Length", "Content-Type", "Date", "Range", "Server", "Transfer-Encoding", "X-GUploader-UploadID", "X-Google-Trace"],
      "method": ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST"],
      "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

Then run:

% gsutil cors set cors.json gs://[bucket name]

Navigate to neuroglancer and point the source to precomputed://gs://[bucket name]/neuroglancer/jpeg.

Step-by-step user guide (cloud-based)

The preferred way to run Clio ingestion is by hosting the ecosystem on Google Cloud. The technologies used in Clio on Google Cloud should be relatively straighforward to deploy on Amazon AWS. Apache Airflow can be run in any cloud environment and AWS has a serverless container capability similar to Google Cloud Run.

This section will go over how to setup a new cloud environment with Clio, prepare a dataset for ingestion, run the workflow (including monitoring and troubleshooting), and data management. The main outcome of running this workflow is the creation of a data volume (with lossy compression) that is viewable in neuroglancer and the creation of aligned chunk volumes for data processing (though the lossy compression can be used instead). One can add the ingested volume into a data volume through the clio-store interface and viewable in the Javascript clio client. An example of this interface in action can be found at clio janelia.

Setting up a google environment

(more detailed instructions for creating an account can be found on Google's cloud documentation).

Basic setup

  • Create a new project with billing setup. In general, it will cost around $50 per month per TB to host Clio data. This cost can be reduced significantly by archiving some of the source data (details below). One could expect around $10 per TB per month roughly. Ingestion computational costs will vary based on several factors but around $100 per TB for ingestion is a reasonable estimate.

  • Install gcloud locally and setup default project

    % gcloud config set project PROJECT_NAME

  • Enable the Google Composer (managed Apache Airflow) API (more details above)

  • Enable the [Cloud registry]((

    % gcloud services enable

Cloud Run setup

Deploy emwrite and fiji to Cloud Run. When deploying, you have options for the number of cores and amount of memory for each VM and the number of concurrent processes each Cloud Run instance will handle. For Clio, set the number of concurrent processes to 1 and choose 1 or 2 cores. The computation is largely single threaded but there are some performance improvements for choosing 2 cores. 4GB should be a conservative memory threshold.

Setting up an ingestion workflow

This workflow requires that a stack of consecutively numbered 2D images are loaded into a google bucket directory. It has been tested on 2D 8bit PNGs but should work on other image formats. (For now, 16 bit images should be converted to 8bit first. It should be relatively straightforward to add this conversion within the ingestion workflow.)

As an example, this is how images produced using our FIB-SEM acquisition software is uploaded.

  • Renumber images

    % python scripts/ IMG_DIR images

  • Create google storage bucket BUCKET_NAME (standard class, choose a local region, uniform permission). By convention, prepend "clio_" to the bucket name.

  • Upload images (ideally from a machine with great bandwidth)

    % gsutil -m cp img.* gs://BUCKET_NAME

Running ingestion

The composer environment can be launched via command line:


The script will create a cluster of 3 n1-standard-2 machines, which will allow the pipeline to run with 36 workers (12 workers per machine). To run more airflow workers, you will need bigger memory machines. However, since each worker will spawn multiple concurrent cloud run instances the effective concurrency is 256 tasks.

To launch a new ingestion, it is good to create a unique ID: 1) each 'dag run' needs a unique id and 2) the current use of neuroglancer precomputed format requires the datasest to be public. By having a long identifier, the bucket location will act as a secure link.

% python scripts/ RUN_NAME # => RUN_ID

This will append a random id to RUN_NAME to use when ingesting data.

A Composer Airflow workflow can be launched via the command line.

% gcloud composer environments run emprocess --location us-east4 trigger_dag -- emprocess_width32_v0.1 --conf '{"id": "RUN_ID", "email": "[email protected]", "image": "img.%05d.png", "minz": 0, "maxz": 13695, "source": "BUCKET_NAME", "project": "PROJECT_NAME", "downsample_factor": 4, "resolution": 8}' --run_id RUN_ID

This command is non-blocking and should return quickly. The downsample factor should be set to ensure that the 2D dimensions is no larger than around 5000x5000. One can also set "clip-limit" (default 0.02) which will greatly impact the contrast of the image using CLAHE. A clip limit of 0 will disable constrast adjustment.

When the job is complete (see monitoring below), the following google buckets will be created in addition to the starting BUCKET_NAME:

  • BUCKET_NAME_ng_RUN_ID (neuroglancer accessible bucket for viewing data -- JPEG compression)
  • BUCKET_NAME_chunk_RUN_ID (raw chunk data for data processing -- lossless)
  • BUCKET_NAME_tmp_RUN_ID (contains temporary files that will be automatically deleted)
  • BUCKET_NAME_procces (contains debugging information for every RUN_ID)


The ingestion times are impacted by several variables. As a rough estimate, expect around 1 hour per TB. To monitor the progress, one can open the clio_report.ipynb notebook. The notebook should be run with the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS set to an authorized token for accessing to the cloud project.

For a coarser (but more user friendly) user interface, one can go to the Apache Airflow web interface accessible through the Google Composer cloud page. This web application will let one monitor running workflows. If one clicks on the appropriate DAG, the current execution status is visible. The UI will indicate whether a task fails and allows one to manually restart it. This can be useful in a situation where a workflow mostly runs correctly but fails due to a small, fixable bug. Once the bug is fixed, the error state can be manually cleared and the workflow will continue.

Other information on the job can be found in the BUCKET_NAME_process directory.

Data management and miscellaneous options

Below are different workflow options and data management scenarios:

  • To save money: delete or archive data (for instance BUCKET_NAME_chunk_RUN_ID directories)

    (scripts) % bash BUCKET # lazy delete of bucket contents

    (scripts) % bash BUCKET # move data to cheaper coldline storage

  • To make a directory publicly accessible and CORS accessible for NG

    (scripts) % bash BUCKET

  • Prototype script for loading an RGBA volume into NG (TODO: add an ingestion option for Airflow workflow):

    % python scripts/ image_prefix minz maxz bucket path resolution

  • Transfer data to a collaborator by using Google's data transfer utility

  • Add dataset to clio-store

  • Run Clio workflow without alignment (no op) by setting "skip_align" to true

Architecture Description

Why Airflow?

Apache Airflow was chosen to orchestrate the data processing for a few reasons. Processing EM image data for connectomics or other analysis requires several processing steps often with diverse compute, communication, and memory requirements. Airflow is well-designed to manage a diversity of different types of compute or "operators" and provide for automatic retries on failures. It is a good substrate to try to organize these diverse steps into a cogent execution model. There are other tools that can process data using multiple workers such as Spark and Google Dataflow; however, many of the operations required in our pipeline are very simple, batch-oriented compute. Furthermore, Airflow can call these other technologies for parts of the pipeline that might better utilize those technology stacks. Finally, Airflow is well supported and documented and provides a good web UI for debugging and analyzing workflow runs. Since Airflow is a generic solution, it seemed more likely to be portable in other cloud or compute environments. When debugging a workflow in Airflow, one can easily manually rerun individual tasks. We chose Google Composer since it wraps Apache Airflow in a way that makes deployment easy.


There are a few downsides to Airflow and the use of Google Composer. The following elaborates on several as it helped to guide design decisions.

Managing versioning in Airflow seems a bit messy. If a workflow changes, it is probably best to add the version number to the DAG name, so it is a distinctly named workflow. There is not much dynamicism in the DAGs. The DAGs need to be parseable and created before execution of the DAG (DAG run). One way to achieve this is by setting a variable in Airflow (it is generally non-ideal to require DAG creation to use an external database as the DAG files are executed frequently).

Some of these Airflow design decisions are a reflection on the history of using Airflow to do scheduled, repeatable 'cron' jobs (which can also be seen by the execution time variable that is required even for manual, non-scheduled invocations).

An Airflow task runs on distinct Airflow workers, which are separate processes. This means that even very light-weight tasks (that are periodically polling a resource for instance), require over 100 MB. If a workflow needs 100s of concurrent sensors, the cluster will need to be provisioned accordingly despite the total amount of compute being very low.

Airflow has a concept of sub-graph which intuitively should encapsulate sub-DAGs of computation that can be re-used or represent and distinct and closely related group of tasks. However, the implementation of sub-graphs is such that the sub-graph operator (entry point to the sub-graph) runs on a separate worker for the duration of the sub-graph computation. If that worker crashes for some reason the whole sub-graph dies, which might lead to undesirable results.

Google Composer does not offer a serverless solution, requiring at least 3 nodes to run Airflow. It seems that with the ability to use Cloud Run or a dynamic Kubernetes cluster, pre-allocation of compute would be unnecessary. A better solution would be an on-demand, light-weight web service that is always available, which would be ideal from a costing point-of-view. For now, however, if more compute is needed than 3 nodes, it is relatively easy to ramp-up and ramp-up down usinig the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Airflow is designed to orchestrate different types of compute. But the implementation for these distinct operations are often in the Airflow application as well (encouraged by the diversity of custom operators). This mixture of implementation logic and orchestration seems a little messy. It is nicely argued here, that a better paradigm would be to only orhestrate docker operators or kubernetes pods which can then encapsulate all the logic distinctly. It would also allow users to not have to spend a lot of time understanding the myriad of operators available in Airflow. This seems like a reasonable approach except some tasks are just a lot more efficiently implemented with custom operators and embedded logic.

emprocess_workflow design

The original implementation for emprocess workflow allowed dynamicism to be achieved by setting Airflow variables, which could be parsed and used to create a dataset-specific DAG based on the number of images of the dataset. Instead now creates several processing workflows with different pipeline widths. The width specifies the number of concurrent batch workers that can run at once. Each of these batch workers leverage serverless compute (in the form of Google Cloud Run) via http calls. Since these http calls are not compute intensive and since Airflow processes are not light-weight, this package designs a custom operator for batching multiple requests in a multi-threaded way per task. This allows one to effectively achieve much more concurrency than width=64 for instance. However, there is a trade-off in that even though fewer tasks are easier to schedule and manage at a high-level, there is not as much granularity for debugging and restarting individual tasks that fail. also specifies a version number. When large changes are made to the code, the user should modify this number, which will automatically trigger a new set of workflows tagged with the new version ID to be created. Airflow keeps the runtime information for any previous DAG runs, but in this way future invocations will be explicitly separated. For debugging, it might be annoying to examine old user data but not have the old DAG stored (which is no longer available when the version number is updated). One can set the variable core.store_serialized_dags = True and old DAGs will be cached.

The high-level orchestration of tasks is shown in the figure above (details on the major components below). In general, the code was designed to make each component (alignment and pyramid creation) a sub-dag in code design (each component is included as a dependency to the main dag file) but without the sub-dag semantics given the limitations mentioned above. But it should be pretty straightforward to convert this to sub-dags if improvements are made in future versions of Airflow.

The majority of compute is not run on the Airflow cluster but rather using the serverless Cloud Run platform. This seeems to combine several ideal features: 1) it can run in a generic docker container separating logic from python code in the DAG, 2) it auto-scales from 0 to 1000 compute nodes, and 3) it is serverless, requiring no provisioning. Cloud run functions are used in alignment and in pyramid writing and executed in a multi-threaded way across a fixed number of task workers as mentioned above.

Description of workflow components

The major components of the workflow are alignment and pyramid image ingestion. Future work includes adding contrast enhancement and various deep learning components for segmentation and synapse prediction and other feature extraction.

alignment with FIJI

A headless fiji script (documented in string format in emprocessing/ is run between pairs of adjacent images. An alignment transformation is computed by fitting an affine transformation using RANSAC over matched SIFT features. If there is little deformation in the transformation, a rigid, translation only transformation is favored (which should help limit pathological alignment scenarios). Once these transforms are computed across all adjacent images, the results are combined and a global bounding box is computed for the volume. The images are then written to the "align" directory along with the transformation matrices used. Future work could make this more robust by matching every other slice or to find large transformations as a mechanism to screen for outliers. This component also writes out temporary files (one per 2d image), which encodes each image as an array of 1024x1024 tiles to enable fast pyramid creation (see next step).

Because this alignment is run in 2GB limited VMs (via CloudRun), one must downsample very large images to fit into memory. In general downsampling to around ~5kx5k, should work.

writing scale pyramid into neuroglancer precomputed format

The dataset is written to /neuroglancer/jpeg and neuroglancer/raw (optional) using neuroglancer's pre-computed sharded format. Each "shard" is a separate file that encodes several small chunks which can be effienctly retrieved for interactive viewing. The purpose of the "shard" is to have very few files to make copying the dataset fast, while still allowing fast indexing into small chunks when only needing parts of the dataset.

This component pre-allocates several workers (depending on the width chosen) that iterate through different subvolumes of the dataset of size 1024x1024x1024. The pyramid generation is simplified greatly by adjusting the shard sizes to a subset of the downscale pyramid based on the 1024^3 subvolume. This allow each worker to be completely independent of all the others.

1024^3 can be read efficiently from the temporary files computed in the previous step by doing a range fetch to retrieve just the relevant 1024x1024 tile. Note, that with this strategy (assuming that 64^3 represents the smallest chunk unit size recommended), it is not possible (without orchestrating multiple writers to the same file) to have a scale level higher than 4 (where 0 is maximum resolution) unless an initial shard size over 1024 is used or more sophisticated inter-process communication is employed.

Future work

  • Improved support for ingesting large multi-channel datasets (e.g., to support CLEM applications)
  • Workflow option to rerun export of the dataset based on a previously run alignment. This will make it faster to re-export a volume using different contrast adjustment.
  • Workflow option to load dataset into clio-store
  • Logic to recognize single, "bad" images. A single bad image can be effectively 'deleted' and the previous or next image can be duplicated instead.


Apache workflow for processing em data






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