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Overview of CloudMine Validic Interaction

In this repository, you will find a small-scale example of how to create a simple connection between CloudMine and Validic through the use of the CloudMine Logic Engine. The examples are based off of the CloudMine node snippet base repository, which is the starting point for all snippets built on the CloudMine system.

There are four snippets currently defined within this repository: login, createUser, getAllFitness, and getUserFitness. These four snippets work together to create a simple, coherent interaction between the CloudMine HIPAA compliant storage and ingestion layer, and the Validic wearable data platform.

Before digging in to the snippets themselves, it is worth noting that there are a number of helper methods and state variables that are not exposed directly through the snippets. One file to take note of is the lib/constants.js file. This is where you should store your Validic and CloudMine access credentials. These include your CloudMine App ID and API Key, which can be found in the Compass Dashboard, and your Validic Organization ID and Access Token, which should be issued to you by Validic upon establishing a development environment. Once these credentials are appropriately entered into the module.exports statement of the constants.js file, you will be able to use this code to create open APIs for interaction between CloudMine and Validic.

Snippets Overview

  1. login - accepts a valid user profile (shown below) and does a number of things. In order: (1) tries to log in as this user. (2) If successful, looks for Validic user information in the logged-in user's user-level object space. If all is successful, this endpoint returns a CloudMine user_id and session_token, as well as a Validic access_token and user_id. If the CloudMine user login is successful but no Validic user information is found, this endpoint returns a CloudMine user_id and session_token.
POST /v1/app/<<YOUR_CLOUDMINE_APP_ID>>/run/login HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4545
Content-Type: application/json

	"profile": {
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"password": "password"
  1. createUser - accepts a valid user profile (shown below) and creates and does a number of things. In order: (1) creates a CloudMine user account, (2) logs in as that CloudMine user, (3) creates a corresponding Validic user, and (4) saves a user-level object containing the Validic user information to the just-created CloudMine user. This endpoint returns a CloudMine user_id and session_token, as well as a Validic access_token and user_id.
POST /v1/app/<<YOUR_CLOUDMINE_APP_ID>>/run/create HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4545
Content-Type: application/json

	"profile": {
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"password": "password"
  1. getAllFitness - uses the stored Validic organization ID to retrieve all of an organization's fitness information.
POST /v1/app/<<YOUR_CLOUDMINE_APP_ID>>/run/getAllFitness HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4545
Content-Type: application/json
  1. getUserFitness - accepts a Validic user_id and CloudMine session_token, and gets the user data for that specific Validic user_id. The CloudMine session_token can be used to store this data to a CloudMine user-level object space.
POST /v1/app/<<YOUR_CLOUDMINE_APP_ID>>/run/create HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:4545
Content-Type: application/json

  "cm_session_token": "7fda8be6509d47c082d7830e006ed84e",
  "validic_user_id": "59c1c48ffe35fda5a8067e66"

Next Steps

Now that you are up and running with a simple example of interactions between CloudMine and Validic, you can feel free to expand this codebase with additional functions from both CloudMine and Validic. Of particular note should be the Data Objects and Managing Users sections of the Validic documentation.

Example CloudMine Server Code Snippet

This is an example of how to structure your NodeJS project for deployment and execution on CloudMine's Logic Engine.

The lib folder contains Snippets which are just pieces of NodeJS code. The index.js file is responsible for starting a mini-web server which routes inbound Snippet requests, as well as collating and exposing the named methods which form the basis of your CloudMine API.

Getting Started

  1. In index.js, the module.exports call must occur before the .start method is called, otherwise Logic Engine will not be able to identify public snippets available for invocation.
  2. CloudMineNode.start requires the current scope, the root file, and has a callback to let you know when the package is ready for inbound requests.

Running Snippets Locally

In order to run your CloudMine Snippets locally, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Ensure that all NPM module dependencies are defined in package.json.
  2. Run npm install from the project's root directory to ensure that the dependencies are included into the project.
  3. Next, run npm start to start the server from the command line.
  4. Finally, curl, wget, or use your favorite method of running HTTP commands using the below examples.

Obtain a Listing of Available Snippets





Executing a Snippet




{"success":"Basic was called"}

Implementation Notes

Historically, CloudMine snippets use the data environment variable, and the exit function in order to reply to inbound requests. With Logic Engine, both a new environment variable and exit function are included: req and reply, respectively.

1. Accessing request details via the req variable

Request Verb




Request Body



{ objId: { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } }

Request Headers



{ x-cloudmine-apikey: 'myapikey', x-custom-header: 'mycustomheader' }

Query String



{ objId: { key1: 'param1', key2: 'param2' },
  queryStringParam1: 'queryStringValue1',
  queryStringParam2: 'queryStringValue2' }

Client IP



Session Data



{ api_key: '4fb3caf6fa53442fb921dd93ae0c98e6',
  app_id: '3f4501961d62bc4eb388d9dc6dfdd1e5',
  session_token: '6c160b8140fc43e28ff9bf7bb00f198e',
  user_id: 'bd027836e4744391ba2aabf6aacdc828' }

Note: in order for the session_token and user_id values to populate, the X-CloudMine-SessionToken request header must be present in the original request and the session_token must be valid.

Cloud or Local Environment

process.env.CLOUDMINE may be used to determine whether the code is running locally (false) or in the CloudMine Logic Engine environment (true). Example usage is below:

var isCloud = process.env.CLOUDMINE;

var local_config = {};
local_config = {

var ApiKey = isCloud ? req.payload.session.api_key : local_config.api_key;
var AppId = isCloud ? req.payload.session.app_id : local_config.app_id;




      "host": "",
      "x-real-ip": "",
      "x-forwarded-for": ",,",
      "connection": "close",
      "user-agent": "curl/7.51.0",
      "accept": "*/*",
      "content-type": "application/json",
      "x-cloudmine-apikey": "3e3f6e4796b745c78f2769a93ca1d08e",
      "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
      "x-ssl-version": "TLSv1.2",
      "x-ssl-cipher": "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256",
      "x-unique-id": "7F000001:988A_7F000001:22B8_59400240_0C66:250A",
      "my-custom-header: true"


2. Replying to API requests via the reply function

There are two types of values that may be passed into the reply function: Strings and Ints as well as JSON objects.

Replying with a String or Integer

When using the reply function with only a String or Integer, the value will be returned as part of the result key.


var a = 6;


var b = "This is a string!";


  "result": 6


  "result": "This is a string!"

Replying with a JSON Object

When replying with a JSON shape, the contents of the object will be nested within the result shape.


setTimeout(function() {
    reply({text: 'This took 5 seconds!'});
  }, 5000);


  "result": {
    "text": "This took 5 seconds!"

3. Controlling the Snippet Response

There are options that can be used to control the response from the snippet beyond the reply interface.

Using the unwrap_result Query Param

By specifying unwrap_result=true in the query string of the snippet execution request, the output of the snippet will not be wrapped in a result attribute.

Suppose you have a snippet that calls reply('I called a snippet!') to complete execution. With the default behavior the response payload would be:

  "result": "I called a snippet!"

By specifying unwrap_result=true in the query string of the snippet request the response payload will become:

I called a snippet!

Setting the Accept Header

The Accept header can be used in the snippet execution request to change the Content-Type header of the response as well as the format of the payload. There are two supported values for the Accept header:

  1. text/plain
  2. application/xml

If text/plain is used, the payload does not change as all json payloads are already delivered as text, but the Content-Type on the response will be set to text/plain.

If application/xml is used the payload will be converted to XML based on the rules below, and the Content-Type on the response will be set to application/xml.

Any other value in the Accept header will be ignored and the Content-Type on the response will be application/json.

JSON to XML Conversion Rules
  1. Object property names will become XML tags that wrap the value of that property
  2. Properties with values null, undefined, or empty string will be represented with an empty tag (e.g. <Name/>)
  3. Each element in an array will be wrapped in an <element> tag
JSON to XML Conversion Example

If you would have received a JSON response such as:

  result: {
    str: "a string",
    bool: true,
    num: 1289,
    arr: ['uno', 2, false],
    empty: '',
    undef: undefined

as XML it would become:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <str>a string</str>

Combining unwrap_result and the Accept Header

The unwrap_result query param and the Accept header can be combined to have any plain text response that you would like. For example, if you would like to create an XML output that does not use the same rules as described above you could build this XML as a string in the snippet. If you pass the unwrap_result query param to the request and simultaneously specify application/xml or text/plain in the Accept header you will receive the exact XML string you output in your snippet. Note that if your snippet output is any non-object, non-array value and application/xml is specified in the Accept header, no transformation or validation will be done on the value. CloudMine assumes you are doing this purposefully and it is up to you to ensure the XML is valid.

4. Preparing the ZIP Package for CloudMine

When uploading your ZIP package to CloudMine's servers, please be sure that:

  • the node_modules folder is removed, and
  • all .git files are removed

To help with this process, we have included a ZIP CLI example below:

zip -r code-folder/ -x *.git* -x *node_modules*


  1. refers to the final package name
  2. code-folder refers to the root folder of the package


CloudMine + Validic snippet integration







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