TDA brought to dataframes.
TDAtaframe is available on pypi as a source distribution. The backend requires that you have the appropriate libtorch 2.5.1 libraries installed on your system in the standard location.
On Linux/macOS, this is typically /usr/lib, /usr/include, /usr/share for library, include, and share files respectively. Sym-linking the files will not work.
After ensuring that these libraries are present, all that is needed is
pip install tdataframe
On first install, it is normal for compilation to take a few minutes.
It is recommended to use your package manager to install libtorch. If not readily available for your system, follow the below instructions as a workaround.
Download libtorch from here. Then, unzip the files.
unzip libtorch-*.zip && cd libtorch
Next, copy all the files to the system. Make sure
you understand what these commands do as they are difficult to undo.
You will likely need to run these commands with sudo
cp -r lib/* /usr/lib && cp -r include/* /usr/include && cp -r share /usr/share
Finally, update your linker cache with
todo. see tch-rs docs