b44db6b Add PATH wrapper support for docker usage where entrypoint is overwritten
5952c2d Add gorelease
51de441 Add initial readme and cleanup build to produce two images
e61e094 Add keyring so we can overwrite the signing request hash
c7f1809 Add more debug
cd051dc Add more debug
7829fd6 Add more error handling code
ac5401b Add simple string replacement for $SSH_AUTH_SOCK so we dont need a shell to do it
19cce69 Add workaround for git image to handle host keys
91a487b Added documentation on key creation
7c32206 Added more checks and debug
3d3a976 Added workaround for not being able to use build args in entrypoint
cb4c928 Cleanup code
1ca4c01 Copy to correct folder
9e32614 Create initial version of simple wrapper
d398afb Create initial version wrapping docker
6a76515 Create wrapped images for git and docker
760702d Disable go test
c2f14f8 Docker needs entrypoint vars to come from env
78c468e ENV and ARG order is important in docker
acd0b9a Fix args replacement
7debf5d Fix go build and include ssh commands
edc847c Fix test typo
939757d Fix typo
0727d94 Fix yaml
ba9f777 Fixed nil deref
69f57c1 Initial commit
7d7d542 Make sure we skip the cache
1a17f66 Make sure we use newer version of ubuntu to get updated openssh
33b1447 Merge branch 'path_wrapper'
3dcaceb Merge pull request #1 from connectedcars/ksmcleanup
03ff176 Merge pull request #2 from connectedcars/path_wrapper
a51859f Overwrite entrypoint so we use the wrapper when this is used
4d5f561 Push both images
2892bce Remember to add FROM_IMAGE buildarg
72f1b6a Tokentest (#3)
0b177ed Update documentation
396613e Update documentation and add more escape options
22d0201 Update readme
8121fd6 add more workarounds
e5b3c11 cloud builder escape