Cosmic LoRa Ray is an Entry-Level Development Board that will fasten your time to market or ease your DIY project. It is armed with a low-power microcontroller ATMega 328 with Pro Mini bootloader. The low-power feature is then amplified with the selection of an 8 MHz crystal clock to make it consume less power. Furthermore, the board works with 3.3V which can be found on a rechargeable LiPo battery and solar panel. Hence, Cosmic LoRa Ray already had the on-board charging module. You just need to pick your prefered charging source either USB or DC Jack. Speaking about the connectivity as part of the a-must IoT capability, the board is equipped with the LoRa(WAN) module of RFM95W. LoRa(WAN) has a good reputation for low power consumption, making this board even more useful in a low power ecosystem. In conclusion, this is the most go-to board for your IoT applications.
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Feature | Value |
Microcontroller | Atmega 328P |
Bootloader | Pro Mini |
Clock Speed | 8 MHz |
DC Jack Voltage Input | 7-12 V |
USB Voltage Input | 4.5-5.5 V |
Battery Voltage Input | 3.7-4.2 V |
Dig. Input Voltage | 3.3 V |
Dig. Output Voltage | 3.3 V |
Analog Input Voltage | 3.3 V |
Analog Digital Converter Resolution | 10 bit |
Max Output Current | 600 mA |
Charging Rate | 200 mA |
LoRa(WAN) Chip | RFM95W |
LoRa(WAN) Base Freq | 915 MHz |
LoRa(WAN) Freq Range | 902-928 MHz |
Antenna Impedance | 50 Ohm |
Available I/O | 5 AI 5 DO 1SPI 1UART 1 I2C |
Length | 68.58mm |
Width | 53.34mm |
Weight | 19g |
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Cosmic LoRa Ray | RFM95W |
D11 | MOSI |
D12 | MISO |
D13 | SCK |
D10 | NSS |
D9 | RST |
D2 | DIO0 |
D6 | DIO1 |