"Simple" modpack for chocommu's server
How to use the modpack in 10 steps
1> Click on Code, then click on Download ZIP
2> Press Windows + R and type "%AppData%
3> Go to Roaming/.minecraft, keep you window open
4> Go to https://fabricmc.net/use/installer/, download and run the installer in 1.18.1
5> Start minecraft with the fabric instance, then stop the game
6> Go in the mods folder
7> Drop the ZIP you just downloaded in the mods folder
8> in the new folder called ChocoCraft-Fabric-main, find the .jar files
9> Press Ctrl + X, go back to mods folder and press Ctrl + V
10> Enjoy playing on the Chocommu's server
If you have any bugs/issues/questions, please reach out to me in the issues section, but please be the clearer possible, that's all I ask