This repository contains C++ bindings between Apache Datasketches library and Vertica Database. It was created by the Analytics Infrastructure teams at Criteo.
Details on the library and underlying algorithm can be found here
This extensions uses the open-source C++ implementation
Currently only the theta sketch is implemented for Vertica.
cmake 3.14+
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../SOURCES
Additional build options can be enabled by runing ccmake.
If you have a Vertica deployment, just get the SDK from /opt/vertica/sdk
If you don't have one handy, use:
docker run --rm --entrypoint bash opentext/vertica-k8s:24.4.0-0 -c 'tar -C /opt/vertica -c -v sdk' > /tmp/vertica-sdk.tar
On your dev machine (don't do that on a Vertica server, you'll mess things up)
# load the SDK to a dev directory in your home
mkdir -p ~/dev/vertica-sdks
cd ~/dev/vertica-sdks
tar xf /tmp/vertica-sdk.tar
mv sdk 24.4.0
# link the expected SDK location to your local SDK copy
sudo mkdir -p /opt/vertica && sudo chown -R $(id -u) /opt/vertica
ln -sf ~/dev/vertica-sdks/24.4.0 /opt/vertica/sdk
You need Docker and the SDK properly ready in /opt/vertica/sdk. Run ./
and then drop to the shell: docker exec -ti vbuilder-datask bash
You may then try to build using (inside the container)
cd /build
cmake /sources
In Vertica, each query is given at runtime a pool which depends of the configuration of the database and the context (User, Roles, etc).
The Datasketch-CPP library uses C++ standard allocators to allocate/release the memory required for sketch processing.
The problem is that in its current state, the Datasketch library can only be integrated with compile time/ static allocators and the API does not offer a way to initialize those allocators with external resource at runtime (calls to allocators default constructor internally).
Ideally the datasketch library would allow users to pass in instances of custom allocator rather than only their types.
As a workaround we have built a simple custom memory allocator that constrains the algorithm up to 10GB of memory (of heap outside of the vertica pool).
This is not ideal and we plan to improve that by working the the datasketches-cpp maintainers.