A library for automatic databases seeding using Aqueduct.
An example for a Hero model containing a name field. This function could then be called in for example, any Harness with the TestHarnessORMMixin.
import 'package:aqueduct_test/aqueduct_test.dart';
import 'package:faker/faker.dart';
import 'package:flood/flood.dart';
class ExampleHarness extends TestHarness<DbChannel> with TestHarnessORMMixin {
ManagedContext get context => channel.context;
Future seed() async {
await initializeDb(context);
initializeDb(ManagedContext context) async {
// An instance of GenerationScheme needs to be created for each model
var heroScheme = GenerationScheme(
// The ManagedEntity instance for the Hero model
// The generation method to use for the name field
{"name": () => "hero_" + faker.internet.userName()},
// Number of objects to create
var flood = Flood(context);
// Register the GenerationScheme.
return await flood.fill();
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