Generate a full set of Stripe fake data from command line
npm i -g stripe-cli
or if you love yarn
yarn global add stripe-cli
You need to provide your Stripe private key or a resticted key thought a .striperc
or stripe.config.json
file in the directory you'll run the CLI app with this scheme :
"stripe_key": "pk_test_*******"
✅ Pro tip : You can use one config file per project as it's a common practice to have separate Stripe accounts for separate projects
Start by using, you'll see all commands available and options
$ stripe --help
Here's some of available commands and few of their options
$ stripe create customer[s] --nationality=fr --attach-card
$ stripe create charge --customer=cus_XXXXXXX --amount=15000 --currency=EUR --token=tok_visa
$ stripe create payout --account=acct_XXXXXXX --amount=100000 --currency=USD
The stripe generator icon was made by my good friend Vicent a.k.a Webalys