Gboard Themes is a Magisk module with themes invented trough modifying the only third party Gboard theme – Material 2 theme, windows theme, ios theme...
The module modifies two of your system props to map the theme location and adds a folder (/system/etc/gboard_themes) with actual themes inside.
- Material Design 2
- Material Design 2 (AOSP)
- Material Design 2 (Orange-Yellow)
- Material Design 2 (Purple)
- Material Design 2 (Dark)
- Material Design 2 (Red Dark)
- Material Design 2 (Amoled)
- Material Design 2 (Amoled)(AOSP)
- Neon Dark Blue
- Teal 2
- Windows old
- White very rounded
- IOS Dark
- XDA Blue Light
- Oreo Cookies
All to change is in expconfig.xml located on:
- You need to revoke wirte acces to shared_prefs folder
- After save changes to expconfigs.xml, force close Gboard App
Change the value from 0 to 3
set "false" to "true"
set "false" to "true"
set "false" to "true"
- @RadekBledowski for the orginal module
- @topjohnwu for Magisk