PyTorch Implementation of the paper Learning Affinity via Spatial Propagation Networks
[Work in Progress]
FCN-8 Code and Model adopted from
The paper propose to learn a spatial affinity matrix by consturcting a row-wise / column-wise linear propagation model where each pixel in the current row/column incorporates the information from its three adjacent pixels in the previous row/column. The idea is to train a CNN that generates the weights of a recursive filter conditioned on an input image. Doing this for all 4 directions, you can form global and densely connected pairwise relations, as shown in Figure 1.
As shown in Figure 2, the model is separated into two modules: (1) a guidance network that outputs the weights / elements of the transformation matrix; (2) a propagation module that uses the weights given by the guidance network and uses it as a recursive filter to refine the result.
The guidance network outputs a tensor of size H x W x (C x 3 weights x 4 directions). We need to convert the tensor to a tridiagonal matrix so that when we perform a dot product it will correspond to the weights of the three adjacent pixels in the previous row/column.
def to_tridiagonal_multidim(self, w):
# this function converts the weight vectors to a tridiagonal matrix
N,W,C,D = w.size()
# normalize the weights to stabilize the model
tmp_w = w / torch.sum(torch.abs(w),dim=3).unsqueeze(-1)
tmp_w = tmp_w.unsqueeze(2).expand([N,W,W,C,D])
# three identity matrices, one normal, one shifted left and the other shifted right
eye_a = Variable(torch.diag(torch.ones(W-1).cuda(),diagonal=-1))
eye_b = Variable(torch.diag(torch.ones(W).cuda(),diagonal=0))
eye_c = Variable(torch.diag(torch.ones(W-1).cuda(),diagonal=1))
tmp_eye_a = eye_a.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0).expand([N,W,W,C])
a = tmp_w[:,:,:,:,0] * tmp_eye_a
tmp_eye_b = eye_b.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0).expand([N,W,W,C])
b = tmp_w[:,:,:,:,1] * tmp_eye_b
tmp_eye_c = eye_c.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(0).expand([N,W,W,C])
c = tmp_w[:,:,:,:,2] * tmp_eye_c
return a+b+c