The Dockerfile in this repository creates an image with ESI-OpenFOAM, HiSA and PyTorch support. The image is currently based on
- Ubuntu 22.04,
- OpenFOAM-v2112,
- HiSA 1.4.6, and
- PyTorch 1.10.2 (only CPU).
OpenFOAM is not compiled from scratch but installed via the package manager (read more). Also for PyTorch, only the pre-compiled C++ part of the library, named libtorch, is contained on the image. However, the HiSA package is pulled from the source and compiled, in which the libraries are installed in $FOAM_APPBIN
instead of user libraries.
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To build a docker image,
git clone
cd OpenFOAM_HiSA_PyTorch
docker build -t user_name/openfoam_hisa_pytorch:of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04 -f Dockerfile .
To create a container,
To start the container and use interactively,
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To build the image (.sif),
sudo singularity build of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif Singularity.def
To use the container interactively,
singularity shell of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif
To use the image non-interactively and run the application,
singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif [path] [arguments]
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The test directory contains the example scripts for OpenFOAM, HiSA, and PyTorch. These examples can be executed to check the correct installation and compilation.
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The test case for OpenFOAM follows cavity example given in OpenFoam tutorials. The example can be run from top-level directory of this repository as,
# To run the simulation singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./Allrun ./test/cavity/ # To clean the finished simulation singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./Allclean ./test/cavity/
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The test case for HiSA follows rae2822 example given in HiSA examples. The example can be run from top-level directory of this repository as,
# To generate the mesh singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./setupMesh ./test/rae2822/ # To run the simulation singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./runSim ./test/rae2822/ # To clean the mesh singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./cleanMesh ./test/rae2822/ # To clean the finished simulation singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./cleanSim ./test/rae2822/
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From top-level directory of this repository, you can build and run tensorCreation as follows:
# build singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif wmake test/tensorCreation/ # run singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./tensorCreation test/tensorCreation/ # clean singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif wclean test/tensorCreation/
Alternatively, one can also define scripts, which are then executed by Singularity. For example, to build and run the second example, simpleMLP, run the script:
singularity run of2112_hisa1.4.6_pt1.10.2_ub22.04.sif ./ test/simpleMLP/