#Seam 3 integrated examples
Integrated, use-case oriented examples for the Seam 3 project that demonstrate functionality provided by multiple modules.
authorization idmconsole openid-op openid-rp simple
Running the functional tests
- set JBOSS_HOME enviroment property to point to JBoss AS 7 installation
- in the example folder, run mvn clean verify -Darquillian=jbossas-managed-7
Besides, the following configurations are supported: mvn clean verify -Darquillian=jbossas-managed-6 mvn clean verify -Darquillian=jbossas-managed-7 mvn clean verify -Darquillian=glassfish-remote-3.1
mvn clean verify -Pjbossas6 -Darquillian=jbossas-remote-6 mvn clean verify -Pjbossas7 -Darquillian=jbossas-remote-7
In addition to the steps above you first need to do the following:
Map this host name to the localhost:
On Unix based systems, you do this by putting the following lines in '/etc/hosts': www.openid-rp.com
Furthermore, add credentials for particular accounts (MyOpenID, Google, Yahoo) to: