Extraffic is a suite of network traffic tools. The tools allow you to dissect single a flow packet capture into a json based format that can be labelled and stored away into a database. The traffic generation tool(s) operate based on the database of json formatted flows. These flows can be permuted to provide a permutation of traffic based on the definition of a single flow.
cxxtest is integrated with this project. To install cxxtest in your development environment you can try to install first from your package manager. For example:
sudo apt-get install cxxtest
If your package manager cannot find a cxxtest package you will need to install from source. First get the latest cxxtest version which you can find at the following site:
Unfortunately, installing from the cxxtest source isn't very user friendly. As a result, you will need to perform a few manual steps. By following the steps below, you will be able to update cxxtest fairly easily while maintaining previous installations:
$ gunzip cxxtest-<version>.tar.gz
$ tar xf cxxtest-<version>.tar
$ sudo cp -r cxxtest-<version>/cxxtest /usr/local/include/cxxtest-<version>
$ sudo cp cxxtest-<version>/bin/cxxtestgen /usr/local/bin/cxxtestgen-<version>
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/include/cxxtest-<version> /usr/local/include/cxxtest
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/cxxtestgen-<version> cxxtestgen
You should now be able to build your projects unit tests:
$ make test
You will need to install libjsoncpp:
apt-get install libjsoncpp-dev