is a command-line tool for performing gene set enrichment analysis using the Gene Ontology (GO) database.
pip install gopiscator
Usage: gopiscator [OPTIONS]
GOpiscator (Tool for performing gene set enrichment analysis)
-i, --gene-list FILE Genes of interest list. [required]
-a, --go-annotation FILE GO annotation file. [required]
-o, --output FILE Write output to a file. [default: (standard output)]
-g, --ontology FILE GO '.obo' file. [default: ('go-basic.obo'; will be downloaded if absent)]
-b, --background-list FILE Background gene list file. [default: (All genes from 'go-annotation' file)]
--threshold FLOAT P-value threshold. [default: 0.05]
--gene-count INTEGER Minimum No. of genes annotated to the specific GO term. [default: 2]
-v, --version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
should have your genes of interest, one gene per line:
Rv3861 |
Rv3862c |
Rv0083 |
Rv3371 |
should be tab-delimited with genes in the first column and GO terms in the second column (separated by comma):
Rv0001 | GO:0006172,GO:0006275,GO:0006270 |
Rv0002 | GO:0046677,GO:0006260 |
Rv0003 | GO:0009432,GO:0000731,GO:0006260 |
Rv0005 | GO:0046677,GO:0006265,GO:0006261 |
if you want to use background list of genes, it should have one gene per line:
Rv0001 |
Rv0002 |
Rv0003 |
Rv0005 |
If you do not provide -o, --output
then the results will be shown in terminal like this:
│ │ GOID │ Ontology │ GO_term_name │ P-value │ Enrichment_score │ Rich_factor │
│ 0 │ GO:0045926 │ biological_process │ negative regulation of growth │ 0 │ 4.36 │ 0.2 │
│ 1 │ GO:0098754 │ biological_process │ detoxification │ 0.015 │ 1.82 │ 0.2 │
When the -o, --output
is provided the the output file will look like this:
GOID | Ontology | GO_term_name | Definition | P-value | FDR | Enrichment_score | Fold_enrichment | Rich_factor | GeneRatio | BgRatio | Count | Genes |
GO:0045926 | biological_process | negative regulation of growth | Any process that… | 4.40E-05 | 0.00171655 | 4.35640751 | 9.81395349 | 0.1627907 | 7[35] | 43[2110] | 7 | Rv0299,Rv0609,Rv1114,Rv2010,Rv2866,Rv3384c,Rv3697c |
GO:0098754 | biological_process | detoxification | Any process that… | 0.01503798 | 0.29324058 | 1.82281055 | 15.0714286 | 0.25 | 3[35] | 12[2110] | 3 | Rv1560,Rv2550c,Rv2801A |